Chapter 1 - Visiting The Host Club

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(Killua's pov)

'My first day at Ouran high school...' I think as I look up at the buildings. "Very shiny..." I thought out loud. "What's shiny?" A voice asked from behind. I turned around to meet a blond haired boy looking to be 16. "The building..." I respond. The blondie smiles. "Your new right?" He asks. "Yep." I say. 

He seems to take a good look at me which kind of freaks me out. "Hmm... you should join the host club I made or visit!" He says, with a happy voice. "By the way my name is Tamaki Suoh! What is yours?" He seems like a nice guy so I respond. "I'm Killua Zoldyck." "Well Killua feel free to visit us in the music room 3!" Tamaki says, smiling and walking off to class. "Okay!" I say and go off to my classes. 

(After classes)

Well school is over now I have free time... the school lets clubs do their things after school so maybe I could join the literature club. Hmmm... I think about what I should do and then remember that Tamaki guy had invited me to hang out at the host club or join so I decided to go there. I walk down the hall until I get to music room 3 and take a deep breath. 'This better not be weird...' I think as I open the door.

"Welcome to the host club!" I hear eight voices say at the same time. I see seven boys and one girl. There is a brown haired girl, a blond one that looks like 10, two that look exactly the same, two black haired ones, Tamaki ,and one really ho- cute one with black raven hair that has green highlights on the ends. 

"Oh, its a boy!" The brown haired girl says. "Killua! You came!" Tamaki says, running up and hugging me. "Oh, um, hi Tamaki." I say, awkwardly as he puts me down. "Hello Killua!" Tamaki replies. "This is the host club I told you about!" He finishes. I look around seeing everyone starring. I start to mentally freak out. "Nice." I say.

Tamaki backs up. "Meet my friends! Haruhi, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Gon! Guys this is Killua Zoldyck!" Tamaki says, a big smile, while pointing to each of them. "Isn't this a host club, why is there a gi-" I start but than Hikaru covers my mouth. "How did you know Haruhi is a girl?" He whispered. "I thought it was obvious." I respond whispering. Everyone gasps. Haruhi face palms. "Look guys I am perfectly fine with people knowing I am a girl." She says. Tamaki looks at Haruhi. "My baby girl can not have her secret identity exposed!" Tamaki whisper screams. "Its totally fine Tamaki Senpai..." Haruhi replies. 

Tamaki turns to me. "Anyways, Killua why don't you go take a seat." He says. "Okay." I reply and sit down at a table. The black and green, raven haired boy walks over. "Hi, I'm Gon! Would you mind if I sit by you?" Gon asks. I look up at him and see his charming smile. "Uh, um, s-sure!" I say, nervous. 'Why am I acting like this????' I think. Gon sits down across from me and pours some tea. 

"Isn't it wonderful today?" Gon asks me. I look outside and see it is sunny. "It is" I say to Gon. Looking back I see him put a cup of tea in front of me. "I made tea!" He says smiling. I blush. "Thanks." Gon stares at me for a moment. "You know your beautiful." He says, in a flirty way. I blush even redder. "I-I- am not!" I stutter, looking away. "But I'm telling the truth! You really are!" Gon says, putting his hand under my chin to make me look at him. My lips slightly part as I stare into his eyes. I can hear a few girls squeal and then I remember there are other people here. I quickly pull away blushing like never before. 

Gon sighs and takes a sip of his tea. "So, how are you?" he asks me. "I-I'm good." I say, still recovering from what just happened. Gon and I chat for a while until he asks me to join the host club. "Killua, would you like to join the host club?" Gon asks. "Join... the host club?" "Yeah, you can join and we can have fun together! just me, you and the host club!" Gon says, smiling. 'That doesn't sound to bad...' I thought. "Hm... sure!" I say. Gon smiles a huge smile, gets up and does a victory dance. "You won't regret this Killua!" He says, grabbing my hands and pulling me up into his arms. We both smile at each other. A few seconds later we then both realize the position and Gon lets go of me as we both blush. 

Gon goes and tells all the members I will be joining the club and everyone celebrates. "You will start tomorrow!" Tamaki states and I nod. All the girls leave and we close the club. As everyone is cleaning up Tamaki says "To celebrate our new member Killua Zoldyck, we will all take a trip to the beach!" Everyone smiles and agrees. Luckily my parents are out today so I have all day to do whatever I want. "Yeah, we should!" I say. 

Kaoru and Hikaru pull out a huge closet and smile at me weirdly. I raise my eyebrow. "Time to pick the swimming suits!" Both twins say at the same time. All of the sudden I am pulled by the twins into the walk in closet and they pull out blue swimming trunks with silver stripes. "I-" I attempt to talk but all of the sudden I am in the blue swimming trunks with silver stripes. "I- how?" I ask. "Magic" The twins respond. 

I walk out and see everyone in the swim suits. Haruhi comes out in a two piece and Tamaki's face turns the color of a tomato. Tamaki gives Haruhi a long jacket and tells her to cover up. I see Gon in green swimming trunks and I blush. Gon turns to me and says "Wow, Killua you have abs!" I blush. "Shut up Baka!" I put my face in my hands. Gon giggles and turns to talk to Honey. I stand there awkwardly, secretly looking at Gon's abs. 'Wow' I thought. 'He's ho- oh shut up mind! Your to gay for your own good...' I think.

Everyone puts clothes over their swimming suits. "Alright, lets go!" Tamaki says. 

Writers note: 

Writer: Hey guys! How was the first chapter? Do you think Killua has started secretly crushing on Gon? 

Killua: I AM NOT! 

Writer: Says the man who thinks Gon is hot!

Killua: *blushes* N-no!

Writer: You know its true!

Killua: *sits in corner embarrassed*

Writer: You can deny it lots of times, but I will always know the truth!

Killua: Shut up Baka!

Kaoru: Who has a crush? *smirks*

Killua: N-nobody!

Writer: Killua does.

Kaoru: OoOoOo... who is it?

Writer: Go-

Killua: NO *covers writers mouth*

Kaoru: Give me the tea :>

Writer: *escapes Killua* Anyways, please star the chapter, follow me and have a nice day!

This Host Club...  (OHSHC x Killugon/Gonkillu)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें