Chapter 2: Have To Attend

Start from the beginning



"Alpha she looks like she can't breath"

As quick as anything I'm flipped over. My back is stinging even more now as it has food mixing with the wounds. He looks at me and his eyes widen in anger. Like this is my fault.

"Doc, get here NOW!.... Lisa if you can do anything to help? but only her breathing leave the rest."

They rush over and Lisa, who's the crazy witch bitch that puts the spells on me, starts reciting a spell that helps my breathing somehow, as the Doc finds what the problem is. He points to my ribs on the right side and the witch stops her spell, picks up a knife and stabs me. Then sticks a straw in and I can breath again.

"Doc fix that but only that, don't want her dying on me."

"Yes Alpha"

I'm then picked up and taken to the pack hospital.

Opening my eyes, I have to blink to adjust to the lights. I then look around and realise I'm still in the hospital. Not just thrown back in the basement. I look over as I hear the door open

"About time. Alpha was on the verge of forcing you awake." 

How long was I out? I thought he was going to sort my breathing out and send me on my way! Doc looks at me and rolls his eyes, seeing I'm all confused. He's the biggest arsehole. Isn't he suppose to take an oath or some shit!! I mean he's also one of my abuser's

"I told him that if he didn't let your body heal and let you wake up on your own, then the next time anyone caught you there, it would reopen the wound and could potentially kill you. You've been out since then and it's now Wednesday. I checked you over and you're out of the danger zone. I gave you a cocktail to help boost the healing in that area only" he says all this while looking at his clipboard and rummaging around in a draw. Then turning to me with a tiny bottle and syringe in hand he mutters

"Alpha asked me to give you a shot then send you to him. Iv already spoken to Mark, he will be here any second to collect you."

He walks over to me with the needle poised for injection. He hasn't told me what the fuck it is either. I start backing away when there's a knock at the door, which distracted me as I look over to see who it is and Doc stabs it in to my skin and pushes the plunger. Ouch!

"Are you done with IT?"

"Yes Mark"

"Good, and you were filled in on all you missed at the meeting on Sunday, Yes?"


"Great. I'll be taking IT to the Alpha now then." Mark grabs my arm and drags me out of the bed and all the way to Alphas bedroom, which is on the top floor of this 5 floor pack house. He knocks and we hear the Alpha say enter so he shoves me through the door and I'm now starting to feel dizzy, light headed and heavy. What was in that shot?

"Did Doc give her the special tranqu-serum?" Mark nods

"Is everything set up and finished? As people start arriving tomorrow! The King's room is finished yes? And you've sorted a room on my floor as well for IT?" 

Say what now? A room? For me? If I could laugh I would. I flop to the floor with a bang as the tranq-shit kicks in. They both look at me and laugh but continue their conversation.

"Yes everything is done. Heather is doing the final bits now. Everyone has been reminded about IT here and the consequences of their actions should they cause a scene. The King's room is finished and i decided that it's on your level as he's King, and will wonder why you've given it to an Omega so we've put IT in the room directly below yours and the King's brother in the room next to her's. you have access to her's via this hidden entrance so you won't be caught sneaking about. And we soundproofed that room as well as the one in the basement like asked. I hope that's ok?" 

"Sounds perfect. Dump her in that room. I haven't got long before I need to sleep and people start arriving." 

With that Mark picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. When we get to my supposed room, I'm chucked unceremoniously onto the bed and left. 

So this is my room!!.........WHY!!! I don't get it. I'm not laying there long when Alpha enters via the mirror to the left of me. And I only noticed as my head landed that way when Mark threw me. When he sees me on the bed he gets a sinister smile on his face. And walks over to me.

"Now listen and listen well. Tomorrow people will be coming from all over as it's our turn to host the mating hunt ball. I know you know nothing of it but it lasts the weekend. If you're on your best behaviour, you will be left alone for 2 days. 2 days to yourself. And essentially the weekend as well, though me and Mark will have to visit you. I have you in this room to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't fuck anything up. You will have to attend the hunt and I will be removing the collar. You will have to run around or find a tree to sit in. I doubt anyone would want you anyway but if someone DOES try, you're incapacitating them and leaveing. Doc will give you mini acupressure like needles that are tipped, in a fast acting agent that will knock them out and they won't know how it happens as it erases that from there minds-"

"What?!? Then what am i doing here? And I want to shift its been years. And someone to-"
He pinches my chin in his fingers and gets right in my face.

"It's all non-negotiable. You're here tonight as you've been sleeping the last few days and I need to get my frustrations out before tomorrow. Iv already had the witch strengthen all the spells on you so you can't shift, talking will never happen as I won't allow you to find, let alone mate with your true mate. You will stay in here most of the time but you will have a dress to wear as you have to be seen in the ballroom for at least 5 mins and I will send in Remi to do your make up and hair so we can cover any bruising that hasn't healed on your face or I'll have to get Sally to do that aswell. Then once youve been accounted for you can come back here. There's also an airy slip dress for the hunt. Which I have had a hidden pocket sewn in for the para-accu-darts! (Paralysing-acupuncture-darts) you do ANYTHING you shouldn't and I'll kill you."

"Then maybe you should just go ahead and kill me" I wish I could spit in his face. I'm 31 years old... like I give a shit what he does to me. I'm past being scared by most of this pack anymore

"You will do as you're told." He says calmly, while taking his clothes off

"Oh. Will I?" I scoff

Laughing he says "yes. Or I'll leave you alone with Alpha Darren, he keeps asking to mate you. It's the hunt, I might just sell you to him!"
My face drops. That guy would do anything to have me. I'm gonna have to watch out for him at the hunt. He knows I'll do as I'm told because that guy gives me the creeps more than him and the pack do. OK so maybe I can still be a little scared of someone, its totally normal.

"Do we have an agreement. Your behaviour will be exemplary and you will receive 2 free days and I will keep Alpha Darren off of you."

I fucking hate him. Arrrggghhh. I will break his command one day and rip his throat out

"FINE!! But I'm staying longer than 5 minutes and having a drink and shit. Im going to enjoy what little time I have!"

"That's a good girl. And OK I'll allow you to stay and enjoy it for a little while but that's it. Now I'm going to enjoy YOU for a little while." He spent the next couple hours violating my body and marking me everywhere that won't be visible. Once he's gone and the drug, isn't taking effect anymore I go and relieve myself and climb into the bed thinking to myself, I've actually got a week to myself. And a bed. And will be allowed food and a shower. I really need to find a way to leave this place, as finally i have an opportunity to actually leave. I should start thinking up a plan now!

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