"Knowledge of Good & Evil"

Start from the beginning

            "That doesn't mean I want you to be my boyfriend. I've never even had one."

            "Me neither. That makes both of us."

            Montrell looked away from him and smirked as he picked up the remote and asked, "What movie do you wanna watch?"

            "I haven't seen the first Halloween in a minute."

            "Okay, I love that movie. But only if we can watch the sequel right after."

            "Shoot, I'm game." He put his arm around Montrell and said, "Go ahead and queue up them bad boys."

            Montrell laughed as he began searching for the movies.

            Meanwhile at the twins' Halloween party, Jacory set down his cup on a nearby counter and said to Nate, "I don't know who told you that, but now is not the time to discuss it. You are drunk."

            "I ain't that drunk," said Nate. "All I had was a few shots of that green stuff Zayvon just had."

            "Don't you mean Tayvon?"

            "Whichever the fuck one it was! That ain't what this is about! You were gonna run away with that nigga? You were just gonna up and leave me?"

            "What? Nate, I wasn't with you then. I barely knew you."

            "Yeah, but you know me now and you never told me some shit like that before. You were gonna run away with him and you didn't think to even tell me that that happened?"

            "I didn't think you needed to know something like that. It has nothing to do with you and me, baby. Yes, I almost ran away with Rod once but it was only because I thought I'd never see him again. His social worker was threatening to move him to the Baltimore foster care system because he kept running away from the group home he'd been living at. So, I suggested that we run away together."

            "Wow. That's just the fucking icing on the cake, isn't it? You were the one who suggested it? Wow!"

            "Nate, you've been drinking and you're not putting this into context. That was when I was with Rod. I'm not with him now. I haven't been with him in over a year. Baby, you have to stop this." He tried to touch Nate but Nate backed away from him.

            "Nah, I don't want you touching me right now."

            "I can't believe you're acting like this over something so pointless."

            "You never told me! That's why I'm upset! I don't like finding out shit about my boyfriend from other people."

            "That's it, give me your keys. I'm going to find someone to take us to your house."


            "Nate, I—"

            "I said, no! I'll find somebody to drive my car for me. I don't give a fuck how you get home. Fuck you, bitch!"

            When he said those words to Jacory, Jacory became enraged and slapped him hard. Nate instantly began choking Jacory while pushing him against the refrigerator. Jacory tried to pry Nate's hand from the grasp Nate had on his throat but couldn't. As he began to feel like he would pass out, he kneed Nate in the testicles as hard as he could and Nate finally let go. However, he backhand slapped Jacory before backing away in pain. Jacory ran out of the kitchen as fast as he could and looked for Demetrius.

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