Reid Garwin

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Requested by alexisrader77 hope you enjoy sorry if you don''t like it and sorry it took so long school's a pain in the ass

I laid on the leather seat in Tyler's hummer silently listening to their quiet conversation but not actually paying attention to anything being said, "c'mon baby girl back me up here." I sighed, "Reid be lucky I decided to come to this party don't push your luck trying to drag me into the middle of your debate." I was friends with the blonde boy but recently I began to feel things for him so there's been a bit of tension between us due to me trying to keep it under lock and key but it's hard to distance from him.

When we pulled up to the house where the party was supposed to be I didn't even wait for the hummer to be fully stopped to jump out of the tension filled space and speed walking towards the house. I saw Pogue with Kate talking to some boy that I only knew because he was on the swim team with the boys and I waved at Kate since she waved first but she untangled herself from Pogue, "can we talk real quick?" I nodded and motioned to the back door which we quickly made our way outside.

Once we were out on the back deck I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and just took one out and rolled it between my fingers for a moment, "so you wanna tell me what's going on between you and Reid?" I scoffed, "nothing he's my friend nothing more nothing less." I continued walking, "c'mon Y/n anyone can sense the tension between the two of you from a mile away so you wanna tell me the truth now?" I looked around and saw we were alone, "fine I have feelings for him so I've been beginning to distance myself from him, you know he has a player image I don't want to risk my heart getting broken again."

She rubbed my shoulder, "it'll work out sweetheart I'm sure of it." I nodded stubbing out the cigarette butt blowing out the last of the smoke filling my lungs when Tyler poked his head out of the house, "c'mon a game of truth or dare is about to begin." I rolled my eyes standing up, "yay so much fun." Kate nudged my shoulder, "I'll get you some answers." I narrowed my eyes at him, "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" she shrugged and headed into the house. I sighed trudging behind them grabbing a random bottle of liquor taking a swig grimacing at the burn it left.

I headed into the living room choosing an open seat next to Caleb and he eyed the bottle of liquor in my hands, "please don't drink too much." I laid my head on his shoulder, "I won't." Sarah grabbed the bottle and took a swig before giving it back. Some random boy sat down, "ok who's starting this off?" Aaron shrugged, "I will." I knew it wasn't going to end well since it was Aaron and I was right as his eyes landed on me and a smirk grew on his face, "little Danvers truth or dare?"

I sighed, taking a long gulp of the liquor in my hands, "I'm not drunk enough for this." I muttered then shrugged, "fuck it dare." his eyes landed on Kate, "I dare you to makeout with that hot piece of ass." I rolled my eyes then looked at Pogue silently asking if that was okay and he subtly nodded so I scooted to the middle and Kate did the same. She made the first move and connected our lips together. She placed her hand on my cheek and I gripped her waist pulling her closer and opening my lips allowing her tongue to mingle with mine.

I pulled away and she winked at me, making me chuckle, "ok my turn I guess." I scanned the circle and saw a girl in the same grade as us that Tyler had a crush on and I don't blame him, she's gorgeous, "Lily truth or dare?" her head shot up as she pointed to herself and I nodded, "um dare." I smirked, "I dare you to let Tyler take a body shot off of you, only if you're comfortable with that of course." she hesitantly nodded, "y-yeah okay."

I grabbed a random empty red solo cup and filled it to the shot line with the liquor I still had while someone went and got some salt and a lime. I handed Tyler the cup and he was giving me a suspicious look making me chuckle. She laid flat on the floor and poured the salt up her abdomen then put the lime in between her lips Tyler took the shot then licked the salt from her stomach while maintaining eye contact with her then took the lime making sure to brush their lips together.

I saw her shiver and look away with a blush beginning to form on her cheeks Tyler pulled away and went to sit by Reid again and I whispered in her ear as she sat up, "he likes you so just talk to him." I winked at her and returned to my spot. That's how it went for a few rounds people admitting embarrassing facts and doing outrageously stupid dares until it landed on Kate's turn to pick someone, "Reid truth or dare?" Reid normally picked dare but surprised as all, "truth." I looked at him funny then narrowed my eyes at Kate as she smirked at me.

"Tell us your true feelings for Y/n." I didn't want to hear the truth so I abruptly stood up and quickly made my way out of the house not hearing what he had to say. There were footsteps behind me and I assumed it was Caleb since he was the only other person who knew about my crush on Reid, "go away Caleb." Reid's chuckle made me spin around, "y'know baby girl you should have stuck around I think you would have liked my answer." he got closer to me making my breath hitch.

"I've tried to tell you numerous times but everytime I try to speak to you alone you freak out and run away but I'm not letting you this time." he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him making sure I couldn't escape, "I like you baby girl a lot I might even go as far to call it love and I want to prove it to you." I shook my head, "no you're just playing head games you're a player why would I be different." when he saw the tears in my eyes his face dropped.

"I would never play a cruel joke like this on you. I'm serious." before I could protest his lips were on mine and I couldn't complain, his lips felt a little chapped but soft against my own and I let out a little sigh letting myself melt into the kiss but before much could come of it he pulled away keeping his forehead against mine and looking me in the eyes, "I don't deserve you in anyway but I was hoping you'd allow me to call you mine and would go on a date with me tomorrow night."

I smiled and kissed him, "of course you goof but I'm just warning you if you fuck no more chances." his face brightened, "really? I nodded, "and no more fighting with Caleb like you did at Nicky's the other night are we clear?" he went to protest but saw the seriousness in my eyes and nodded, "alright I'll ease up on Caleb." I pecked his lips relishing in the fact I could it whenever I pleased now, "ok let's head back in it's getting cold." he took off his hoodie and gave it to me, "let's enjoy the privacy a little longer." I rolled my eyes but complied and sat on the side of the porch leaning against him with a smile on my face as we just stared up at the starry sky together relishing each other's presence.

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