Reid Garwin

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acuurly it's not that great I don't really know how to write possessive fics so sorry if it sucks...

I grabbed the drinks off of the counter and I leaned over the pool table placing them in front of Reid and Tyler since they were their drink then stood straight standing next to Reid. Aaron winked at me, "how about you bend over again pretty mama I had a pretty nice view." I rolled my eyes, "not a chance in hell asswipe." Reid's grip tightened on the pool cue and Aaron smirked, "you're right how about I take you back to my place and I bend you over my bed." Reid was pissed and I didn't want him to lash out.

I placed my hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down, "please why would I choose you when I have a real man right here." he scoffed and Reid smirked, "how about this pretty mama how about you play a round and if you win I'll leave you, fag one and fag two alone." Reid growled and tried to take a step forward but I placed my hand on his chest, "alright and if I lose?" he chuckled, "then I get you all to myself." I leaned close to his face, "you got a deal but only if you play fair and square."

I took the pool cue from Reid as Aaron reset the balls. Aaron motioned his hand, "ladies first." I chuckled, "alright go ahead Aaron." Tyler and Reid chuckled as Aaron glared at me but I stepped forward and broke. I pocketed the one ball in the top left corner and the five in the middle right pocket, "looks like I'm solids then." I leaned down and went to strike the 3 ball but missed as Aaron slapped my ass. I pouted my lower lip out at him, "now that's not playing fair." I moved to the side so he could move closer to the table.

Right as he went to take the shot I began to run the pool cue up his inner thigh causing him to miss, "oops." I leaned down and caught sight of Reid glaring at Aaron and then his eyes flickered to me and they were a few shades darker than normal. I took my shot and pocketed the 6 in the lower right pocket. I nudged Reid over a few inches so that I could make my next move and I could feel Aaron's eyes on my chest the entire time I was bent over the table lining up my shot.

I hit the three into the middle left pocket and the four in the lower pocket. I straightened out and Reid grabbed my hips, " you better kick his ass because you're mine." I leaned close to him, "I plan on it baby after all I learned from the best." His grip tightened on my hips for a moment before he released me. I didn't have a clean shot so I made my best attempt for the 7 ball and I hit it dead on and it bounced off the side once before stopping on the edge of the upper right pocket then fell on and my eyes flickered to Reid.

His smirk gave him away and Aaron immediately began to bitch, "there's no way that you could have made that shot?" I chuckled, "yeah well I did so best be ready to leave me and my boys alone." I nudged the two ball making it fall into the middle right pocket then I called the final shot, "8 ball upper left corner." I knocked it straight in, "good game boys too bad you weren't any actual competition." Reid wrapped his arm around my waist and directed me towards the exit. He made a quick wave to the rest of the group before exiting Nicky's into the cool night air.

Caleb would probably give Tyler a ride back to the dorms since Reid had swiped his keys to the Hummer, "Reid where are we going?" he stayed quiet and just drove but finally after ten minutes of silence he spoke, "you're mine." I nodded, "of course I'm yours." he squeezed my thigh, "and that asshole had his hands all of what's mine." I lifted a brow, "Reid pull over." he looked confused but did as I said. The moment the car was stopped I climbed onto his lap and grabbed his face forcing him to look me in the eye.

"I am all yours and no matter how much that asshole thinks that doing that kind of stuff will steer me towards him then he's dead wrong because I've wanted you since I was twelve years old and now that I finally have you I don't plan to let you go anytime soon." he kissed me pouring every emotion he had to offer into it, "I love you Y/n." I smiled, "I love you too Reid." he squeezed my hips, "but if that dirt bag ever touches you like that again I will kick his ass."

I tucked a piece of his long blonde hair behind his ear, "and I would pay to see that." I just sat in his lap staring into his eyes until most of the tension in his body was gone, "I only want you Reid let me make that perfectly clear." he nodded, "I know I'm sorry we can head back if you want." I shook my head, "nope I say that we raid the candy aisle and have a movie night just you and me." he smirked, "sounds good to me." he kissed me once more before I scooted back into the passenger seat.

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