History Repeating Itself

Start from the beginning


Finn, Rey and Poe had landed on the Destroyer. The two males had headed to get Chewie while Rey had split up from them, she needed to get the dagger.

The Force had guided her through the ship, all the way to a completely white room. Kylo Ren's private quarters.

Up on a table, along with Chewie's other belongings was the dagger. The scavenger picked it up and in the distance she heard herself screaming after her parents. 

"Rey." The calm voice of Kylo took her by surprise. Behind her, but not really, stood he. He wasn't there on the ship, he was on Kijimi. "Wherever you are, you are hard to find."

"You're hard to get rid of," Rey answered back, her lightsaber extended.

"I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it," Ren started. She turned away from him, not bearing to look at him, "I needed you to see it. Who you are. I know the rest of your story, Rey." She snapped around at the sound of her name, pointing her lightsaber at him.

"You're lying," she uttered with teary eyes.

"I never lied to you. Your parents were no one." He started to pace, and she lowerd her lightsaber to her side, "they chose to be. To keep you safe."


"You remember more than you say. I've been in your head."

"I don't want this!" She shrieked.

"Search your memories," He instructed.

"No!" With a quick spin, Rey slashed at Kylo. he reacted by ignitng his lightsaber. Their blades crashed in the middle.

"Remember them. See them." He tried to reason with her as they stood in a face-off.

Memories flashed before her eyes, of her mother hugging a younger version of her. Telling Rey to be brave. Then her dad entering the tent, they were assuring her that she will be safe there. Then, she saw them fly off, leaving her alone.

"They sold you, to protect you."

"Stop talking!" The scavenger slashed at him, ending the stand off. 

"Tell me where you are, you don't know the whole story." Kylo pleaded as their dual continued, they started pacing around in a circle, giving him time to talk, "It was Palpatine who had your parents taken. He was looking for you. But they wouldn't say where you were. So he gave the order."

"No!" She screamed and attacked. Their blades touched as they swung at each other. One fateful blow by Rey that Kylo directed away, broke the pedestal which the mask of Dath Vader was upon.

The mask landed on the snow on Kijimi, right in front of Ren's feet. "So that's where you are." She didn't let him time to process and instead slashed at him. 

They once again ended in a face-off. "You know why the Emperor's always wanted you dead." 


"I'll come tell you." And with that, he disappeared right in front of Rey.


Rey made her way to the hangar, just in time to see Kylo's TIE-fighter land. Stormtroopers surrounded the hangar but no one was firing at her. The Supreme Leader got out of his ship and they started pacing around each other. "Why did the Emperor come for me?" Rey asked. "Why did he want to kill a child? Tell me."

"Because he saw what you would become." Kylo answered, "you don't just have power. You have his power. You're his granddaughter. You are a Palpatine." Rey's face dropped, she couldn't believe it, how could she be related to the worst dictator the galaxy had ever seen? "My mother was the daughter of Vader. Your father was the son of the Emperor," Kylo started taking strides against the scavenger who started to back up, "and Ree," he paused and looked over at his TIE-fighter, Rey followed his gaze.

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