Chapter 1

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At the modeling studio, I was is in my dressing room getting ready for my modeling shoot. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I've been working really hard lately and I barely ate anything.

The manager walked in and told me that I need to do the next modeling photoshoot.

Manager: Kise, let's do your next photoshoot.

The manager said as he held the door for me to get out.

I nodded as I walked in front of the camera. I am dressed up in designer clothing. I faced the camera and waited for the photographer to take my picture.

Photographer: Alright Kise this way.

The photographer told me the position I need to face. I start doing my pose while the photographer starts taking pictures of me.

Manager: Alright good, now show some energy.

The manager smiled and looked at me how amazed I was. I smile as I do my poses. Then I start to wonder if I would ever eat whatever I want.

Manager: Alright let's take a break.

I sat down on the chair and I took my water bottle out and I drank my water. Modeling isn't easy. I have to get the best looks, the best body, and the best smile in front of the camera. My manager won't let me have any carbs until all the photoshoots are done. My stomach started growling a bit and I'm starting to get hungry. The only thing I can have is water, white meat, and vegetables. I thought to myself why my manager is not letting me eat what I want for a while... I wanted to get a sandwich but my manager told me it will make me fat easily. I don't believe it. I wish I had Aominecchi's and Momoicchi's life because they can eat whatever they want and they don't have to work as a model like parents made me do.

My parents force my sisters and me to get the best appearance and my parents are barely home. They always travel a lot for their business trips. My two sisters are always busy in college and they barely spend time with me as they used to when we were young. I feel like my family is not always here with me when I feel alone but at least they give me allowance to help pay for the household mortgage. I used my own modeling money for buying new designer clothes and vitamins to maintain my appearance.

Manager: Alright Kise, go get changed for your third modeling shoot.

My manager ordered me as I head back to the dressing room. I changed my clothes for my third modeling shoot. Then I sat down on my dresser and put a little makeup on myself just to get the best complexion. I put on a bit of foundation, concealer, false lashes, mascara, eyeliner, brow gel pencil, and some lip balm. I sprayed perfume on my neck so I can smell better.

I walked back in front of the camera to take a third photo shoot. The photographer took my photoshoot and positions me at each angle. I do my poses in each direction.

Manager: Alright Kise, that's good.

The manager complimented me while I smile and kept posing.

Photographer: Alright perfect.

The photographer commented as he puts his camera down. I sat down and looked at the photoshoots with my manager and the photographer.

Photographer: You're such a natural, no wonder why girls are hitting on you.

The photographer chuckled and I smile a bit.

Me: Ah yeah -ssu.

I looked at my photoshoots and realized that my outer beauty is what brings the girls' attention. My phone started ringing and it was one of my best friends, my crush, Aominecchi calling. I answered the phone.

Me: Hello Aominecchi I'm still at the modeling studio -ssu.

I started blushing a bit because I got excited about what he was going to say.

Aomine: Eh it's cool Kise, listen Satsuki and I are planning to see a movie, do you wanna come?

Aominecchi asked through the phone while I smiled and nodded.

Me: Sure I would love to but I'm not gonna have soda or any popcorn because my manager told me not to eat carbs -ssu.

I explained as I was packing my bag.

Aomine: Don't worry I'll share it with Satsuki. Wow, your manager must be strict when it comes to your diet, no wonder why you're so light and skinny.

Aomine answered as he chuckles. I pout and started to blush.

Me: Aominecchi that's not funny -ssu!Alright, I'll see you tonight.

I hung up the phone now. I finished packing my bag to go home now. I walked to the train station and waited for my train to bring me home.

Aominecchi calling me made me happy. I like him but I think he likes Momoicchi because of their childhood friends. If they are together I'll respect that because they are the only ones who are there for me when I go through trouble. Like one time when Haizaki bullied me for being not beating him at the basketball practice, Aominecchi stand up for me and punched him in the face. And Momoicchi would always have my back when other girls tried to tie me down. Momoicchi and I are like twins, we both are fun and cheerful and we tell each other problems like crushes. We both had a crush on Kurokocchi one time, the phantom six in our basketball team but we both got rejected by him because Kurokocchi is dating Akashicchi, the captain of our team.

The sun is almost going down and I see people having ice cream while sitting on the bench. I see other people eating cheeseburgers outside of Maji Burger. And I see people ordering Takoyaki balls at the Takoyaki stand. These people are so lucky and it makes me crave those foods.

Fangirls: Hi Kise-Kun!

One of the fangirls waved at me and I waved them back and smiled. It's nice to have fangirls but it can be scary as well because those types of fans only like me for the way I look and not on the inside. I remembered one of my fangirls tied me up, kidnapped me, and bring them to their house. It was scary at first but I'm glad I called Aominecchi to the rescue. I wanted to tell my fangirls that I'm gay but if I did I will lose my fans. Not only that, I would

lose my career as well because my manager doesn't know that I'm gay. My parents don't know that I'm gay either. My siblings know that I'm gay but they keep it a secret.

The train has arrived. I lined up at the train station while I hold my train ticket and my bag. I walked inside the train station and sat down. I thought about Aomincchi while staring at the window and I wanted to tell him that I like him but I'm afraid he will reject me as Kurokocchi did to me and Momoicchi. I'll wait for the right time to tell him and I hope he likes me back.

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