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Hello all! So I've had a lot of progress!
Figured i'd use the template for once
also the whole not listening to subs for a week affected me a lot more than i thought it would sadly.
Smell: i feel like my smell has gotten way better but it's honestly hard to tell? Probably because of the masks.

i take it back, my sense of smell is still annoyingly strong.

Taste:All right! I'd definitely say this is the part with the most progress. So! I'd say I really started to notice my sense of taste was fucked up again a week ago. My school has a cafe that sells coffee and stuff, and it was closed for like a week, idk why tho. It reopened on like wednesday, and I decided to go by the coffee I always get, a caramel macchiato, with extra caramel. Now this coffee tasted a bit off to be before, well not the coffee itself but the caramel and the milk, but this time it tasted literally disgusting. The other times the coffee masked the flavor but this time it didn't. I was sad and still drank most if it because that shit costed me $4 .
Also! I went to my grandmas house yesterday and the pizza tasted very stale and the cheese tasted old. The cake made me gag.

Hunger: So I made a new section for ghoul hunger because why nooot. Yesterday was a mess. The past two days i've had these weird hunger pains that weren't like the normal ones? I thought I'd never had them before but then I remembered I had them when i used ghoul subs in the summer. It like felt sharper i guess than the normal hunger pains? and eating human food made it worse? then of course, i just h a d to start literally drooling over human flesh. i guess this is what i was getting myself into when i used the"no human food " subs. oh well.
Kakugan: My eyes have been dry and itchy
Kagune: my lower back is itchy and sometimes aches
RC cells: i really need to get my microscope fixed
Any notes: school food is terrible

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