Ch.1 Prologue

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Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for checking this out!
This Chapter is going to be about characters introduction and choosing background of yourself!
There are not going to be many choices for you to choose in this chapter, but you have my words it's going to be more in later chapters!
Please do give feedback :)


Planet : Eden-5

Location : School

It's noon at the school, most of students are in cafeteria or eating lunch somewhere.

[Choice] You consider yourself to be...

1. A star on school's sport team. (proceed to next section)

2. A regular student. (skip to [The Regular])

3. A nerd with interest in robot engineering. (skip to [The Nerd])

4. A student who are alone and often get picked on by bullies. (skip to [The Bullied])


[The Sport Star]

You are waiting in the line to get your lunch, talking with your sport teammates then suddenly you hear a shouting from other side of the cafeteria.

A girl wearing blue hoodie with a skull logo on her back is standing facing a group of students, turning her back to another student who is sitting alone at the corner table.

"So you are so tough huh?! Picking on someone who just minding their own business, you attention craving bunch!" Hoodie girl shouted at a group of students which consisting of one girl and two boys who are standing in front of the table.

"This doesn't concern you, you robot obsessed freak!" A girl in the group shouted.

More and more students in the cafeteria are now starting pay attention to them, you can see other students whispering to each other and some are recording on their ECHO device.

"Hey (y/n), isn't that a girl from your robot engineering class?" A friend of yours who's standing next to you asked.

"Yeah, that's Gaige, actually we got paired up for the Science Fair's project too." You replied.

You see Gaige trying to tell the bullied by waving her right hand behind her back telling him to leave.

"T-thank you" He said, got up then rushed out of cafeteria.

"Oh isn't that just nice, a heroine saved the day again!" a girl from the group of student said while rolling her eyes.

"Next time pick on someone your own size Marcie!" Gaige shouted.

"Being this bold I guess you are a size of three of us! Get her boys!" Marcie said with malicious grin, two other student slowly moving toward Gaige.

Trying to prevent a three on one brawl you rush to other side of cafeteria, but other students are going to that side to watch the fight as well, which make it difficult for you to get through the crowd.

"FIGTH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" students in cafeteria are cheering.

You can't reach Gaige, all you can do is to watch the brawl, but surprisingly Gaige can handle herself pretty well.

Gaige is very nimble dodging left and right, hell, she can even dodge the grabbing of that two male students, that's when you started to notice that she only uses her right arm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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