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In a kingdom far far away, deep forests stretching thousands upon thousands of meters, caging the kingdom and abandoning it from the rest of the world, were people with rich cultures and happy faces.


Ruled by an almighty and powerful king, who is loved and respected for his sacrifices for his kingdom, all across the land. Along with his beloved wife, who's known for her breathtaking beauty and good manners, but behind her beauty is a strong, independent individual who would do anything for whom she holds dear.

And then we have the crown prince, lee donghyuck, the king's and queen's only son. The precious little boy has beautiful brown orbs that glistens when he's excited, a cute little nose that scrunch up when he's unimpressed, beautiful tanned skin that gets goosebumps when the wind passes by and natural brown fluffy hair that bounces when he walks. You could definitely say that he got his beauty from his mother.

Being the curious kid he was, donghyuck always needed constant supervision 24/7, whether that would be nannies, guards or friends, he should never be left alone.

Especially after the incident with the last crown prince.

Yes, donghyuck had an older brother. The previous crown prince was only a child when he was taken away from the creatures in the shadows, the creatures that linger within the thick forest, striking to attack when the times right.

It was a colorful spring day when the incident happened. The three was out for archery training, when the young prince had accidentally shot his arrow into the forest, not knowing what would've come, his father urged him to find that arrow before it won't ever be seen again.

He rushed into the forrest without hesitation, as the king and queen sat down and waited for him. For something that only should taken seconds, became minutes, minutes became hours as the royals grew panicked. They called the guards to find taeyong fast, they grew more panicked as minutes went by, until a guard called them.

Following the guards with tears in their eyes, expecting to see their trouble maker boy, only to find his necklace, the one the prince never ever took off, was laying on the ground, dirt covering parts of the green emerald.

He was never seen again.

All that happened before donghyuck was born, so the king and queen decided to never speak of this event ever again, and keeping him as far away from the forest as possible.

All for the sake of donghyuck's safety

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