"Sunghoon, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I don't know about what issue you have to what you call "Mamba" but please believe me. I don't know them and I am definitely not a part of them, okay. So I hope you don't mind... I could be a friend of you, you know? Just... share your thoughts with me or what--" Jake was cut off for what he has been saying when he felt wet liquid being poured from his hair to his clothes. He slightly opened his mouth in shock as he gasped when he looked at Sunghoon who was just looking at him with cold, dark eyes and his hand holding the bottle of banana milk that he just poured to the older to stop him talking with him.

Sunghoon hates communicating with other people so when he said go away, you should go away. In this case, Sunghoon lost his patience when Jake didn't stop talking with him so he just poured the banana milk on Jake in his annoyance. Well, it was a success! Jake stopped talking.

"Listen here, idiot. I don't care about you and I don't want to be a friend to an annoying person like you so when I say go away, go away. I don't want to talk with you so GO. AWAY. FROM. ME" Sunghoon growled while pointing at Jake's face while saying the last words before starting to move his feet but stopped walking when he remembered something important.

"And one more thing! Don't ever bring back that bathroom incident ever again, or else..." Sunghoon said before walking out of the place, leaving Jake with the mess that he had left.

"What the shell" Jake whispered to himself while looking at his clothes soaked with banana milk.

'Arghh, annoying huh? Whatever you say, I'll keep my words to uncle Jimin so push me away whenever you want but I'll not stop getting your trust' Jake said to himself with a smirk before going to the bathroom to clean himself. After it, he also went back to the rooftop to clean the area there where the banana milk had been spilt.

After doing everything that he must do, he slumped himself back to the seat to kill some time and look up at the stars above him. He smiled at the beauty of the sky that he had always been appreciating since he was a child. Before, he would only get the chance to see the sky if he successfully escaped the castle guards but now, he got to see the sky clearly and free.

He sighed. But despite all of this, he still misses the ocean, especially his mother, Queen Jaeha. Now, he is desperate to get the ENGENE bracelet as soon as possible


Another day, another morning of Jake with the crackheads inside the house but after what happened to Jake and Sunghoon yesterday, you think that Jake will now distance himself from Sunghoon for safety? Well, you are definitely wrong.

The others are now peeking from the stairs to see what kind of trouble Jake wants to encounter early in the morning to have the courage to wake Sunghoon up.

"I bet Sunghoon hyung will beat his ass for waking him up" Niki whispered and the other just focused on balancing themselves since they are in hilarious positions just to peek upstairs.

"Yeah, I think he'll be kicked out of the room immediately" Jungwon said from his place.

"Strange... yesterday, Jake hyung wants to crush Sunghoon hyung and put him in a jar and now, he's being a menace" Sunoo said which the others agreed by nodding their heads.

"Shhh quiet! Here comes the trouble" Jimin whispered, half-shouting to silence the others beside him and look for what would happen next.

Jake excitedly went to Sunghoon's room while slightly hopping with a huge smile on his face. Yeah, this guy seems to love troubles early in the morning.

Dive into the Ocean, Walk into the PathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin