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Training & Kyoto students.




The birds chirping in rhythm as If they are in a choir. And their stage is the flare-up trees around the area. The blowing wind brought their song along its way, echoes through the wood.

The second-years were seen training the first-years for an upcoming event.

As Nobara runs around the field with Panda chasing after her as Toge watches the whole ordeal. Megumi finally arrives for training, "You're late Megumi!," Y/N says, looking back at Megumi while Megumi zips up his tracksuit. "Where were you?" Maki asks while holding a metal polearm to practice her spearman skills. While Y/N has a wooden sword to also practice her swordsmanship as she is best with a sword.

"Zenin-senpai, Y/N-senpai as a jujutsu sorcerer, what kind of people do you guys wanna save?" Megumi asks as he looks at the ground, "Huh?, I don't think about it," Maki answers "I only became a jujutsu sorcerer to prove I can become one without cursed energy," Y/N also answers.

(Megumi calls Y/N by her first name because they are closer and Y/N said so he won't confuse her and her sister)

"I wasted my time asking," Megumi muttered lowly, "What?!" both Maki and Y/N said in sync before Nobara screamed, "FUSHIGURO!!". Nobara screamed while being spun by Panda, "What're you doing, conducting an interview over there?! Trade places with me! This school uniform is a pain, I'm gonna go buy a cute tracksuit!," she was then tossed by Panda "GYAA!!," Nobara screamed as she fell on to the ground her face into the dirt.

"What are those two doing?" Megumi asks as he looked at Nobara on the ground, "Falling practice," Panda says as he looked at Megumi with a thumbs up, "You guys are weak in close combat," Y/N states, "First try and win against me, then Onee-chan" Y/N says as she twirls her wooden sword.

"What are those two doing?" Megumi asks as he looked at Nobara on the ground, "Falling practice," Panda says as he looked at Megumi with a thumbs up, "You guys are weak in close combat," Y/N states, "First try and win against me, then Onee-chan" Y...

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"Then we'll talk," Y/N says with a hand motion.

Suddenly Megumi jolted, "What's the matter?" Maki asks. In the background, Nobara was seen being spun by Panda once again as Toge and Y/N were there to try to catch her, "I just got really irritated," Megumi answers with an irk mark. "Huh?" Maki says with furrowed eyebrows, "No, not at you" Panda tossed Nobara towards Y/N and Toge's way, "Tuna, Tuna,"

"There's a month and a half until the event, don't get distracted," Maki says as she throws her polearm to Megumi, "Here, try the polearm next," Megumi easily catches It with his right hand, "Hm... this actually feels right,"

They were now done practicing for the day as Nobara went out shopping for a tracksuit. "Carrying cursed tools, huh?" they were, seen sitting down as Maki and Y/N were sitting under a tree while Toge and Megumi on a set of stairs and Panda on a bench.

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