Part 1

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Annabeth was in the Camp Store in Camp Half-Blood, her shirt had received a hole in it during her latest date with Percy, when they were ambushed by a horde of Empusai.

She found a style that she preferred and grabbed the last of the women's shirts in her size.

In the corner of her eye she noticed something, or someone picking out shirts in the mens section. Someone tall, athletic build and messy dark hair. Annabeth smiled, she assumed this was her boyfriend Percy.

She turned around but before she could open her moth she stopped, this wasn't Percy, Percy didn't have latino skin and pointed ears. It was Leo Valdez, bit much taller, and browsing for a larger camp halfblooded shirt as the one he's currently wearing clings to his body.

"Leo?" Annabeth asks.

The latino demigod turns around and see's Annabeth.

"Oh, hey Annie. Whats up?"

"Don't call me Annie." Annabeth snaps looking up at him.

Looking up at Leo Valdez. Those words sounded weird in her mouth. Last time she saw him as after they defeated Gaea and was resurrected. He just stood 5'6'' then and was the smallest out of all of the seven. Now he was as tall as Percy and just as toned. Actually, as Annabeth took a closer look at his stretched shirt, the outline of his chest and the bulges on his biceps, he was actually be slightly more muscular than Percy, closer to Jasons level.

"I notice you've gotten taller? Late growth spurt?"

"I guess so?" Leo says rubbing the back of his neck. "It started a few days ago, Calypso thought that I was little taller but I said it was just the shoes I was wearing. The next day I woke up and my pajama's were feeling tight, at first I thought I just gained weight, but then I checked a mark I made on the door for my height and I realized that I was three inches taller. I was so happy since I was tired of being short and it looked like I gained some muscle too. And today I think eve gotten even taller."

"If you were three inches taller a few days ago you were as tall as I am."

Annabeth stepped closer to Leo so he could notice that he was now another three inches taller than her. He could see the top of her head and he had to tilt his head down slightly to look at her in the eyes.

"You've definitely had another growth spurt. It could be natural, but it seems unlikely."

"Well my dad is a pretty big guy. Maybe some of his genes are finally kicking in. Or maybe Mars decided to beef me up like he did Frank." Says Leo.

"I would suspect Aphrodite if any. She likes to mess with peoples love lives and she knows that Calypso is probably used to...taller guys."

"Ok ow. Anyways I gotta go meet sunshine in a few minutes. See you at our monthly argo meeting." Leon says walking away with his shirt.

"Bye Leo." Annabeth watched as the tall demigod walked away. But her mind was racing with theories and questions. And a part of her seemed to think that Leo's growthsparts were far from over.


Jason Grace: 6'1''Leo Valdez: 6'0'' (previously 5'9'' and 5'6'')Percy Jackson: 6'0''Annabeth Chase: 5'9''Calypso: 5'5''

Leo's Enormous Growth-SpurtWhere stories live. Discover now