Part 4

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The welcoming crew was there when Charlie and Alex pulled into her parents' driveway Thursday evening. Trev, Pat, Coley, her parents and Jack's parents were all waiting for the two of them. Charlie's stomach turned as she glanced towards Jack's parents and then at their house. She had known that being back home would stir up old memories, bringing back the Jack she had fallen in love with. Alex looked over at her and could tell, she was lost in her thoughts.
"It's okay to remember, Char. Especially since here, he was the real Jack." She nodded her head slowly, taking in everything.
"You're right. And that's the guy I want to remember." She said, climbing out of the car and running to hug her parents.
As he watched the world outside fly by, he remembered. He remembered the smell of her hair, the color of her eyes, the way her smile could make him feel; how much he loved her and loved being with her.
"Do you remember the summer we all went to Lake Louise for a week?" He asked, looking over at Madi. Madi smiled, remembering the trip. Jack's family had rented a lake house up on Lake Louise for a week, bringing Charlie, Alex and Madi with them. It had been one of the most important weeks in Charlie and Jack's relationship.
"Oh my god I love you." Charlie had laughed, leaning back into Jack's chest. He went stiff, hearing those words for the first time. Sure he and Charlie had always said love you, but that was just a habit and didn't mean anything really. But hearing her say those 3 words now, now that they were together, had completely rocked his words.
"You...You love me?" Jack stuttered, looking down at Charlie. The two of them had decided to get up early and watch the sunrise their first full day at the lake. So they were the only ones out on the dock. Charlie was sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around her, holding her as close as he could get her.
"I do love you Jack. Why wouldn't I?" She laughed again, leaning up to kiss him. The smile that covered his face would stay there for the entire trip. When Alex and Madi met them down on the dock later, Alex had asked why he had such a goofy grin on his face and all he had replied was "Oh nothing, just the love of my life loves me back. No big deal."
"You guys were so happy. Who knew it would crash and burn." Madi said, keeping her eyes on the road and trying to avoid the topic of Charlie. Those words ran through Jack's head as he chewed on the inside of his lip.
Her mom had the whole evening planned before she would let Alex and the boys steal her girl away. Charlie had to fill her parents and the Hughes in on everything happening out in Colorado, her big girl job, apartment; all the adult stuff. The boys had sat patiently, for the first time in their lives, and behaved somewhat well. Charlie had struggled through dinner, constantly getting looks from both her mom and Ellen that made her wonder if something was up.
"Honey, we're so glad you're home." Her mom said, hugging her as she got up to clear the dishes away. Alex got up to help, looking pointedly at the rest of the boys to do so. Her dad and Jim left the table to go try some bourbon Dad had gotten from their trip to Tennessee last fall, leaving Charlie with Ellen.
"It's been strange around here ever since you left. It seems like just yesterday you, Jack, Madi, Alex and all those NDTP boys were crowding into the basement for movie nights and team bonding." Charlie nodded, keeping her eyes trained on the one picture of her and Jack Mom had up. It was from their graduation, right before the two of them had left for Jersey.
"He came back here." Ellen said, tearing Charlie's eyes off of the picture.
"Jack did?" Charlie asked, trying to hide her surprise.
"He did. Right after you left. He came back and pretty much just moped around the house. He was devastated when you left, Char. Sometimes I wonder what it would've been like if you two had stayed together and worked things out. Would you two have ended up married? Given me a grandkid by now? But I guess, we'll never know." Charlie's eyes filled with tears and she excused herself from the table, rushing up to her room and flopping on her bed.  She knew Ellen wasn't trying to hurt her with what she had said. She knew the breakup hadn't just been hard on her and Jack. It had hurt a lot of people around them. It had torn her away from the Hughes, who thought of her as their own daughter and sister. Her parents had lost the boy they had claimed as their third son. She had distanced herself from the hockey boys, pushing them out of her life so she wouldn't be reminded of Jack. Hell, she had even shut out Madi. The sad part was, she had thought about all of those things that Ellen had said. She and Jack had talked about getting married and starting a family since they had started dating. She had wanted all of those things with him. The thought of the two of them having kids? Raising them on the ice? It was everything she had dreamed of. Watching her husband win a Stanley cup? Something she had wished for. But now, none of it would come true because she had been so stupid to let the greatest thing in her life go. She had walked away from him. Left him because she didn't want to get hurt when he said he didn't want her, just like everyone always had. But she wondered if he would've been like everyone else.
"Hey Char? You okay?" Alex asked, walking into the room. He sat down on the bed next to her. Her face stayed buried in the pillow but he could see her nod.
"It's hard, I know. I'm so sorry." He said, smoothing her hair. She nodded again.
"Hey, tomorrow when Madi gets here, I was thinking that maybe the 3 of us could have a movie night like we used to? It won't be the same but it would still be fun." Charlie finally sat up and looked at him, her eyes red. She had obviously been crying and he figured it was bound to happen at least once during their trip.
"S-sure. That sounds fun. I miss our movie nights." He nodded, smiling.
"You can pick the movie. You're sleeping here right?" She nodded again, her hair falling in her eyes. Alex decided that it wouldn't be as fun to take a sad Charlie out for drinks tonight so he said goodnight to her and her parents, making sure to wave at the Hughes on his way out, then headed back to Cole's house, where he and the rest of the boys were staying while they were home. Charlie didn't sleep much that night, too overcome with all the heartbreak, memories and sadness that being back in Plymouth brought.
Jack drove the last half of the drive to Plymouth, trying to distract himself from thinking about Charlie. He and Madi would get to Plymouth around lunch time on Friday, having taken quite a few detours on their way there. He was planning on spending the day with his parents then the rest of the night with Alex, Madi and the boys. Madi had mentioned something about having a movie night Friday night, like they used to when they all lived here for NDTP. The thought of that only brought back happy memories and he intended to keep it that way.
When Alex came downstairs from the bedroom he was staying in at Cole's house the next morning, Charlie was laying on the couch, face down. Trev and Coley watched from the kitchen island, amused as Pat stared at her, confused.
"Char, what's wrong?" Alex asks, tentatively. She lifted her head up, looked at Alex then glared at Trev and put her face back into the couch.
"I'm hungry and Trev won't go get me food." She mumbles into the couch. Pat bursts out laughing, coming over to sit down on the floor next to Charlie.
"Trev, go get her food please. She's no fun when she's like this." Alex says, laughing and shaking his head. He feels his phone buzz and pulls it out of his pocket. It's a text from Madi, telling him that she and Jack would be getting into Plymouth within the next hour. Which meant phase 3 of their plan would go into action soon. Alex had planned out the whole evening. He would kick the boys out, sending them over to Patty's girlfriend's house for the night. Then Charlie and Jack would reunite and everything would be back to the way it was. He wanted nothing more than that.
"Hey Patty boy, you and the boys are taking Mia and her friends out tonight right?" He asked, looking at Pat hard, trying to make sure he would get the hint. Mia was Pat's girlfriend, someone that Madi and Charlie had actually introduced Pat to, back when they were all still in high school. The two had become friends and then eventually started dating about 2 years ago.
"Oh yeah, we're going to Point's if you want to meet us there after the movie." Alex nodded, keeping his eyes on Charlie. She was still laying on the couch but she was looking at what Pat was showing her on his phone. She seemed okay for now, but he was a little worried about what would happen when she and Jack saw each other for the first time. He had been thinking about telling her that he was coming home and that he and Madi were planning to get them back together. But he decided it would be best not to do that and let them do it on their own.
"Hey boys, Mads said she'll be here in like an hour. Why don't you take Charlie and go get Starbucks?" Alex asked, nodding at Trev who looked at him, confused.
"Why wou-Oh okay! Yeah, come on Char, let's go get Starbucks." Trev said, nudging Cole. He and Madi were going to get everything ready before the movie night tonight. Jack would be spending the day with his parents, meeting up with Madi at the ice rink around 6:30 tonight when he took Luke to practice. They would meet up with his old coach from peewee hockey and say hi to the boys on Luke's team. Around 7ish, the two of them would head to Alex's house and the phase 3 would begin. The thing that made Alex laugh was that he was nervous. He was nervous about trying to get his two best friends back together. It seemed like something a bunch of high school kids would do, trying to get their friends back together. Not a bunch of 21 and 22 year old adults. But, all of them had seen how miserable Jack and Charlie were. They had to make this work or the two of them would be miserable forever. Jack and Charlie had never had problems before when they dated, at least nobody knew of them if they did. The two of them had the most stable relationship out of their friend group, never having any fights or breaking up. So when they had, Madi used to joke that nobody had any belief in love anymore. But Alex knew, watching the two of them for the past 3 years, that maybe their relationship hadn't been as stable as they all believed.
Jack was happy to be home of course but his parents, like always, had a ton of things to do while they had him home. After not being home for 3 years, Plymouth had changed a lot. Luke had grown up and was actually becoming a man instead of a boy, which was weird to think about. His parents were starting to gray, almost getting older before his eyes. He hadn't realized how much the things he loved and the people he loved could change so quickly. Which always brought his thoughts back to Charlie. He couldn't stop thinking about how she would've changed in the last 3 years. He knew he had changed from the 18 year old kid who had let her walk out of his life.
"Dude, if you think any harder, you're gonna hurt yourself." Madi said, nudging him as they walked out of the ice rink he used to play peewee hockey at, before hockey was his entire life.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about Charlie. It's even harder than I thought it was going to be, being here and knowing she hates me." Madi's face softened and she patted his arm.
"Hey, it's okay. I know it's hard." He nodded, taking his hat off and running his hand through his hair.
"It's fine. I'm okay. Let's head to Alex's." Madi nodded and followed Jack to his car. The drive was silent, again. Madi was thinking about Alex and whether or not this whole little plan the two of them had, would work. Jack's mind, just like always, was filled with Charlie.
Jack followed Madi into Alex's house, stopping to take his shoes off. Alex stands inside the doorway of the kitchen, Madi already tucked safely against his chest.
"Hey Rowdy. How are you doing?" Alex asks, nodding at him as Jack walked towards him. He let go of Madi just long enough to hug Jack.
"Oh Jack, why don't you go ahead and go down to the basement and pick a movie. Alex and I'll be down in a sec." Madi said, glancing up at Alex with a mischievous look on her face. Jack nodded, figuring that this would probably be how the evening went since Madi and Alex hadn't seen each other since Alex had gone to Germany to visit almost a year earlier. So he did as he was asked and headed down to the basement. The lights were already on down in the basement so he wandered his way down the stairs, looking at his phone. As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he glanced up and his eyes met hers. Charlie. She was sitting on the floor, just like she always had when they used to do this. Her eyes widened and she stood, her phone forgotten and dropping onto the couch as she stood up.
"Jack..." She said as he stood there, speechless. Her hair was darker and her face thinner. She had grown up from the 18 year old kid he remembered. And as he thought about all of these things, he felt a little flutter in his chest. His stomach turned and suddenly he had a case of the butterflies he used to get every time he saw her. He wanted to say something, anything, but words wouldn't form.
"Jack say something." Charlie said. Her stomach swirled, anxiety causing her hand to shake as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I-I...I missed you." He said, his movements quick as he moved to hug her. She stiffened but then melted into him. She had dreamed about this day, this moment for 3 years. She had dreamed about him rushing to her, kissing her so passionately that she forgot her own name, forgot why she had left in the first place. But all that went out the window the second his body met hers.
"God I've missed you so much." She said, choking on tears she didn't think seeing him again would bring. Jack pulls back a little, getting space to look at her.
"Wait. I need a minute." Jack said, stepping back from her and turning his back. He took a deep breath, wanting nothing more than to rush to her again and kiss her. There were so many things he wanted to do with her right then but he had to reel himself in. They had to figure out what they were, if there was anything there and why the hell he still felt a flutter in his chest when she glanced his way.
"I-I didn't know you were coming home." Jack said, finally turning to look at Charlie. She nods.
"I didn't know you were either." Charlie says, the tension and awkwardness filling the air. She could still feel the butterflies in her stomach but another feeling was building up. All the anger and sadness she had felt during the past 3 years filled her chest and she made the stupid decision to let it out.
"But of course now would be the time to see you. Just when I was finally to a point where I wasn't crying myself to sleep over the fact that you never came after me. And why would you have? It was always about you. You never really loved me, not the way I loved you. So you've moved on. I mean, aren't you dating some big Victoria Secrets' angel? Come back to rub it in my face that you've moved on? And I haven't?" She spat, angry words she didn't mean spilling out of her mouth. Jack's face hid his emotions well, his heart shattering into a million pieces inside.
"I-I'm sorry, Char. I should have come after you." He said, turning away from her and walking back upstairs. Madi and Alex were nowhere to be found upstairs so he left. He thought about texting Trev or Patty to see if they wanted to go get drinks somewhere but the idea of being around people, after what just happened with Charlie, made him sick to his stomach. He had honestly expected a bad reaction the first time he saw Charlie again. But neither of them being prepared for it had made things ten times worse. Charlie had always been opinionated and one of those girls who knew she could take care of herself. He hadn't figured she would take anything from him, even if she did still love him. He had broken her heart. She had given it to him to take care of and he threw it in the dirt and stomped on it. So she had decided she didn't need him anymore and wasn't going to let him hurt her again. All the anger, sadness, hurt, pain and destruction he had felt the last 3 years had been just as hard on her. But the problem was that he wasn't going to let go of her that easily. Now that he had seen her, he couldn't get her out of his head. So he turned around. He wasn't going to be the one to walk away this time. He walked back to the house, bursting in the door. Alex and Madi looked at him, confused looks on their faces. He brushed past them, offering no explanation, and headed back down the basement stairs. Charlie sat on the floor again, arms around her knees, tears streaming down her face.
"No, I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again. Leave, Jack." She spat  at him, getting up, attempting to wipe the tears away before he saw, and trying to brush past him. His hand grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop and look at him.
"Let me explain. Then you can decide if you're going to hate me for the rest of your life." He said, his words soft and gentle. Charlie tried to pull her wrist out of his grasp but he was stronger than she was.
"You have about 3 minutes. Start talking." She said, her anger still obvious in her voice and her eyes filled with heartbreak. Jack nodded, choosing his words carefully in his head before speaking.
"You have to know this first, I loved you 3 years ago and I still love you now. I never stopped. It's always been you. All those girls? All the drinking? The partying? It was all because I couldn't have the one thing I really wanted. I used all that stuff to fill a hole. The hole you left inside me when you left. Every move I made on the ice, every Stanley Cup we won, every goal I scored? That was all for you. It's never been about me, Charlie. It was always you. And maybe it wasn't meant to be, maybe we aren't meant to be together but I don't care. I love you and I'm not letting you walk away from me again." Jack said, his hand still clenched tightly around Charlie's wrist. He could see the tears filling her eyes so he did something he had wanted to do for the past 3 years. He pulled her in, and she let him, and he kissed her. She wanted so hard to fight it but she couldn't. Because she could tell, he wasn't lying. He loved her. And she knew that every word he had just said was true. She loved him too and there was nothing that was going to change that now. Jack pulled away and watched her, his eyes tracing every inch of her face, the most familiar thing to him. It didn't matter that he hadn't seen her in 3 years. It didn't matter that they had been apart for so long. Nothing else mattered in the entire world except for the fact that Charlotte Grace Henry loved him back and he loved her more than anything else.
"I guess you love me too, huh? You did kiss me back." He said, lightly teasing her. She rolled her eyes and kissed him again.
"I love you, Jack Hughes. I never stopped. And I don't think I ever will. I think that maybe, just maybe, we are meant to be."

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