He grumbled as he notified (y/n) what was going on. She jumped in excitement and was ready to leave.

"It's been like two years since we last saw them." Katsuki looked at her like she was crazy.

"It was literally April when we last saw them." Izuku corrected her before she got murdered by the blond.

"My mother has been nagging me making sure I take care of my 'siblings' and feed them enough." Katsuki sat in a seat as he waited patiently for the next group of employees to waltz in. He didn't care today if they never showed up he would celebrate for that fact. "At least your parents respect and trust me, they don't ask me personal questions. Instead they tell me how much of a good job i am doing and are just so sweet."

"Wow, katsuki, I knew you had a soft side." (y/n) said chuckling. The new batch of employees stepped into the floor and (y/n) quickly ripped off her apron and ran around.

"Thanks Todo and Momo! You guys are life savers!" She clocked out and ran around the building to the front and waved at the workers and watched as the other three of her gang members slowly walked out of the building. "I'm excited, I must see my parents."

"Calm down, (y/n)!" Izuku said as she began to skip down the sidewalk. Good thing it really wasn't busy at the moment.

"Okay enough being cheery, cheery, happy, happy." Katsuki said as he tugged on her hand, slowing her down. "You can get hurt."

"Yes Katsuki," she walked and walked to the apartment building that wasn't that far away.

The sky was cloudy, they did call for rain today. A strike of thunder rumbled from the cloudy sky above them unleashing a downpour.

"Oh just great," Katsuki growled. Izuku slipped off his coat and held it above Ochako's head while (y/n) and Katsuki never thought about taking a coat. "Let's go (y/n)"

(y/n) followed Katsuki as they quickly slid their key card into the apartment door and rushed in holding it open for Ochaku and Izuku. They trudged up the steps to the top floor trying not to drip too much. Izuku pushed open the door and smiled as Kirishima rushed to the closet to get towels.

"Oh man, you guys got drowned." he said as he wrapped a towel around Izuku and went down the line.

"Oh my goodness, theirs our girl." Inko and Mitsuki said in unison. (y/n)'s makeup was smearing down her face but she was too excited.

"Hey kitten, it seems you didn't dodge the rain." Shinso said as he ruffled her wet hair.

"No I didn't Shinso," she giggled, punching the man in the shoulder.

"Say hi later, get dried off." Katsuki said as he began to shake the towel on her head. She took over and did everything to dry her hair knowing that it would take forever. Once he got most of the water dripping off of him gone he used it to wipe off (y/n)'s makeup. "Go get into warm clothes, okay little sis."

He took her towel and ruffled her hair. She carefully reached into her dresser and pulled out some clothes that were dry. She grabbed some clothes for Ochako knowing that she still got soaked just not as much as the other three. She walked out and handed the clothes to Ochako who gratefully took it and hid in the bathroom. (y/n) rushed back into her room and pulled on the leggings and the tunic sweater. She grabbed her brush and began to brush out the tangled mess. Once that was done she grabbed her eyeliner and mascara and quickly put it on but that was it. She walked out and kept her wet hair out of her face.

"Would you look at that, all dried off and back to her somewhat original state," Mitsuki said as Inko handed her daughter a cup of hot chocolate. "Come her Kiddo."

The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi Shinso X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora