14-Friend's talk

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Truth be told, Max wasn't happy with their current situation either. He had the man of his dreams, but he wasn't able to touch him, feel him, hug him...! To be precise, he was afraid to touch him now. It was a difficult situation, he wanted to take him in his arms, kiss him, caress him, he knew Tul was struggling with the same urge too, all the dirty things he could think about him just by smelling his body odour was driving him crazy. He felt guilty putting his "husband" in this situation but he just couldn't and he knew he needed help now before things got any more complicated.

He turned to Great who was slowly dozing off, "Great, I need to talk to you ..."

"Oh, as a friend or as a doctor?" Great replied, looking at his friend who had a distressed expression on his face.

"Hmm... I'd say as a doctor, I'm sorry but it's pretty urgent," Max answered his friend apologetically.

Great sighed and looked at Max urgently before agreeing, "Ok... you can come to my clinic tomorrow morning at 7 am, I'll consult you before we open."

"Thanks, man... ", Max replied with a small smile.

Outside the bar, Tul started talking to Tay about what was going on between him and Max.

"Ok you're right, me + bar = me sad about Max" Tul replied laughing ... "We have a little problem between us" Tul finally admitted...

"You're stressing me out buddy! I thought my job was done you guys finally got all your problems out of the way, confessed your love and are now a cute couple!"

Tul scoffed when he heard Tay call them a cute couple! They were obviously far from that!

"What kind of reaction is that?" Tay asked suspiciously, "Aren't you a couple?"

"Honestly, I don't know..." Tul replied shrugging his shoulders before looking at the moon again.

"Okay ... now I'm lost, what's going on?" Tay was truly lost, thinking that everything had been going well between them since the day Tul had informed him that he had confessed to Max and that Max also felt the same. So to him, they were together now, because they had both been waiting for this for a long time!

"Well... nothing has really happened between us since that day. um we're back to how we were before, but that's about it, or I would say it's even worse than before... "

"What do you mean?"

"Hm... he won't touch me... and he won't let me touch him either" Tul sighs

"What???????" Tay was shocked! he knew how much Max wanted Tul, he had seen the lust in his eyes all night when he looked at Tul! So he couldn't really understand this turn of events. "Okay ... I'm really lost now! I can clearly see that Max wants to eat you up! we all saw that by the way he looked at you all night... we were all sure that you already did it and that Max wouldn't let you go tonight"

Tul chuckles a little at Tay reaction before realising something "wait you said you were all sure... how did you talk about it... we were all at the table..."

"Oh... By message," Tay grins.

"You guys are amazing" Tul rolled his eyes... "Anyway, nothing happened... well, that's not entirely true. Something happened that night" he looked at Tay who was now seriously waiting for him to talk. Tay was a little off sometimes, but he was a good listener and sometimes had good ideas to help.

"Hmm... That night he came into my room with his key and started seducing me. I think he came to prove something to me or test me about my feelings, I think it was the latter. So I kind of lost myself in the moment, I mean I was really lost in the moment... And before it got to that point, I got a call from James, you know, and Max wanted me to take the call next to him and on speakerphone... James happened to tell that we had sex in the conversation..."

"Holy shit... I can imagine Max got extra angry!" Tay interrupted Tul with a rather serious tone...

"Yeah... " Tul was a little surprised by Tay's reaction.

"Did he hurt you?" asked Tay with some fear in his voice.

"Well ... Just a little, but why are you taking this so seriously? I mean I had all right to be with someone we were not together at that time" Tul couldn't understand why Tay had already expected Max to hurt him...

"Hm yes I know, but Max had loved you for a long time so I can imagine that he was jealous... Plus I saw him get really mad once, and it wasn't pretty, he really snapped! It was a real mess, we had a hard time calming him down..." explained Tay, with a little fear on his face...

Tul eyebrows twitched as he heard Tay. He knew Max had a nasty temper and that when he was really angry he was scary, but not at that point... He didn't know what had happened when he was gone.

"That ... I didn't know ... Anyway, it wasn't that bad and I calmed him down, or he calmed himself down, I'm not sure. But since then he won't touch me, I don't know what to do... I want to talk to him about it, but... I don't know."

Tay looked at his friend a little worried, he didn't know what to tell him, he had never had to go through this before so he didn't know how they were both doing. "I don't know what you guys should do either... But communication is important in a relationship. If something is wrong or if you have a problem, a fear, etc., you should talk to your partner about it, it's important to share your feelings: good or bad. That's one of the keys in a relationship and you know that..."

"Yea... I know. But somehow I'm afraid of his answer" Tul sighs and looked at the moon again.

Tay didn't answer him and just accompanied him silently.

A moment later, their peaceful moment was interrupted by New.

"Hey, babe ... what are you guys doing? " New looked at the two men who were looking at the moon, lost in thought.

"I was thinking about how we should enjoy the rest of the night" Tay looked at his husband with a grin as he stood up...

"Enjoy my ass...! I'm tired, I want to sleep, let's go" New gave Tay a disapproving look before walking towards the parking lot "Bye guys, let us know when you get home"

They all said their goodbyes to each other. Tul was still sitting in the same spot. Max looked at him a little perplexed as to what Tul was thinking. He sat down next to him and also looked at the moon "The moon is beautiful tonight"

Tul looked at Max as he replied "Yes it is...". Max looked at Tul as well. They faced each other and said nothing for almost a minute until Max broke the silence.

"Should we go home too?"

"Home?" Tul chuckled "Do we have a home together?" "We live apart, remember?" "And the place where I should feel at home, which is your arms, are out of reach for me... So I don't know what you're talking about"

Now Max knew that Tul was really annoyed and pissed off about the current situation. He frowned a little when he heard Tul's sad voice, but he couldn't say anything. "What a loser I am," he thought.

"You can go back by yourself, I'll take a taxi," Tul added, standing up and starting to walk.

Max was worried that Tul really wanted to go back alone, unexpectedly grabbed his hand and gulped, "Please don't be silly, let's go home... I can't let you go back alone, you know that". Tul looked at Max with worried eyes, then he looked at the hand that grabbed his own hand and sighed "ok, only if you hold my hand until we reach the car". Max looked at his hand again, he stood up and started walking towards the parking lot still holding Tul's hand.

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