Chapter Four- A Surprise Visit Gone Wrong

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Just a little note before the story, which i hope some of you guys actually read. This story isn't going to be normal Minecraft per say, which is obvious as it has a real life setting. However that isn't what i mean, i mean that I'm going to add stuff into the world like how you would add mods into your Minecraft world. One of these mods is going to be the dragon mount mod which you will see later in this chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter, have a great day and remember to wash your hands and wear your mask!

It had been a few days since I sent the letter to the masked male, Jasper had made it back safely but there wasn't a reply from the male. I assume he was just busy and didn't have time to send a response but it still would have been nice, the potion used for his pastries was hard to make and i had to trade with one of my nether dealers just to get one of the ingredients.

Other than that, everything was going great! Techno and I had gotten quite close in the past few days, and his wound is looking great. I'm sure he'll be ready to leave in a few days, but the thought makes me quite gloomy. I quite appreciate his company, as i don't really get much human interaction other than customers, and his presence has really brightened up my days even if he was quite bland. I had learned he didn't really like orphans too much, and something about blood for the blood god. He was quite confusing and entertaining to talk to.

I was giggling at something techno told me the other day, it was something about only drop-kicking a child in self defense. Right now, the store was open, but it was empty so I was restocking the shelves with the new crystals I had gotten. It was quite peaceful, with just myself and the only sound being heard is the sound of my hums. Techno was taking a nap in his bed room, so I was left without a talking partner for now. But as soon as I had thought that, the silence was quickly filled with the sound of the door chime ringing, telling me I had a customer.

Turning around I clapped my hands together and gave a close eyed smile " hello! How may i help you today?" it stayed silent for s few seconds before i peaked an eye open and looked at who was in front of me expecting a new customer to be standing in the doorway. However I was met with the sight of a familiar white mask... 3 centimeters from my face. It startled me and I stumbled back almost tripping over a basket of freshly picked berries I had taken inside earlier. But before I could fall an arm had wrapped around my waist and pulled me into them. My nose smashed against his chest, and I could feel my goggles slipping from their spot over my eyes. Panicked, I tried to reach up and grab them before they fell, but my hands were trapped at my sides due to his arms still being wrapped around my waist. Which left me to just sit and stair as my shocked eyes were revealed to the man.

My eyes were always a sensitive topic to me, as they were very different from normal people's eyes. I have heterochromia, meaning my eyes were two different colors, with my left being a light shade of purple, and my right eye being (e/c). The purple is a rare trait in my family, one in which I inherited from my great grandfather. It's more of a gift per say, anyone born with the eye is gifted with extreme divination skills. But enough about that, back to the main topic.

I wiggled one of my hands free and used it to push myself back from the man, quickly turning around and crouching at the floor, my hands covering my face. "Would you, um, mind handing me my goggles? I'm not quite sure where they fell..." i said as i stuck my open hand over my shoulder. There were a few seconds of the shuffling of his feet before something heavy plopped down into my open hand. With relief I pulled down my hood and slipped them back on over my eyes, and then turned to look at the man.

I'm still crouching, so I was only up to his knees in height. He was extremely tall, towering over me even whilst I was standing. I'm 5'2 and he's about a foot and a half above me, so imma guess that he's around 6'5 which leaves me standing about up to his shoulders.

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