chapter one- I should have stayed in bed

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   The forest is always so peaceful in the mornings, the sounds of all the animals waking up and starting their day. it's always a great thing to wake up to. So you can imagine my surprise when in the middle of my morning tea, a guy stumbles out of the tree line covered in blood. And no, I don't mean he had a few cuts on him, I mean a full out slash down his chest, starting from his shoulder and ending at his waist.

   With my eyes wide I jump out of my chair -while nearly knocking it over-, sadly spilling the piping hot tea on the table in my rush. However i couldn't focus on that, my mind is racing, what do i do?!? He literally came out of nowhere! And why is his hair pink, oh god he's looking at me what do i do oh crud oh crud. Should I go help him? He looks like he could use some help... but that's also how most horror movies start, oh screw it stop thinking about that (Y/N) this guy needs serious help. Do I have any more pastries for healing?

   Turning around I rushed inside the small hut, nocking various items over while looking around for a certain jar of the magical delicacies. Spotting it sitting on the shelf behind the counter, i quickly rush over to it, nearly tripping in the process as i hop over the small gate that separates the counter from the rest of the shop, i grab it and turn on my heel to rush back out towards the dying man, pushing the door open i rush down the stairs and down the first path. He's just lying there on his stomach, face down on the dirty ground, don't tell me he's already dead! Approaching the man, I take in his abnormal appearance, he's dressed like he's some type of royalty. And are those pig ears?!?

   No, don't focus on that (Y/N). this man is dying, god is he even breathing? Leaning down, I held a finger under his nose until I could feel warm air being pushed on it. Ah, well at least he's breathing, it's faint but it's still there. What do i do now? Do I wait for him to wake up so I can give him the pastry? Is there enough time to wait for him to wake up? i don't think i can get it down his throat without him choking on it either. Now i might be thinking, why don't i just do it for him like in the films? Because my not stupid, i dont want herpes or something, i dont even know who this man is for crying out loud.

   you're just going to have to take the chance of him not choking on it. Grabbing the small pastry I rip a small piece off and lift the man's head onto my lap, after flipping him over of course. I slowly grab his jaw and hold it open enough to drop the small piece in his mouth before closing it and forcing him to chew and swallow. It took longer than I thought it would, but at least it's working. Repeating the process multiple times til its all gone, I wipe my hands of the leftover crumbs and gooeyness of the treat. The effects of the healing potion should already be taking effect, and I'm sure I got here in time.

   Sitting there on the path, with the guy's head still resting on my lap, I wonder how I'm going to go about getting him inside. I'm a tiny lady, and this man is absolutely huge compared to my 5.2 frame. An idea popped into my head, as I swiftly but gently took his head off my lap and moved it back onto the dirt. Popping up and brushing the dirt off my brown pants I ran back down the dirt path, huffing from all this running, and burst through the door. Where did I put it? I had it earlier when I was feeding the cats... ahh! I know! It should still be on the banister right? That's where I set it when I went to pick up ginger! I quickly turned on my heel and ran towards the back room. There it is! My wand!!

    Grabbing the thin piece of wood and metal, I stuff in my pocket and rush towards the living room, I need something to put under him. Spotting a thin blanket resting on one of the stools I grab it and push the bundle of cloth under one arm as I attempt to open the door. Not being successful with it because of my hands being full I just kicked it open.

   Spotting the man still lying in the road, I gathered the bundle of cloth into my open hand and spread it out as I made my way towards him. I can't really lift things over 6o pounds with my spells. But if i can lift something under that and use it to carry half of the body weight, I'm sure I would be able to hold him up long enough to get him inside. Spreading the towel out on the ground, I hook my arms under his, and lift him towards the towel on the ground. Laying him down gently, I go to stand at his feet while taking the piece of wood out of my pocket. Pointing it towards him I flick it and say "autem" in a clear voice. And just as I instructed, the piece of cloth starts lifting up, bringing the top half of the man's body with it, letting out a quick cheer at my success. I stuff the wand into my pocket again and go to grab his legs. Because as i said before, my magic can't lift anything over 60 pounds. I'm not that advanced yet.

   Slowly making my way down the path, holding the man's heavy bottom in my arms, I take a moment to look at his features. The top half of his face seems to be covered by a mask made of... a boar skull? I guess it kinda makes sense, he does have pig ears. And his hair is pink, it's obviously not dyed as even his eyebrows and eyelashes are pink, and he has a sharp jawline, but not the type of sharp that makes you think of snobby rich men. But the type that makes you think of a prince, one who wasn't treated to kindly. It's kinda sad really. Although it kinda makes sense from the way he's dressed. I wonder if he's actually of royal descent? That would be kind of scary, as i've been trying to keep my little shop far away from the eyes of the rich men. They wouldn't use my services for anything but bad.

   Shaking my head, and clearing my thoughts, I look ahead. We're almost at the door, but I can't open the door without dropping him. I could use a spell, but my magic is already being drained. I need to work on my durability. Letting out a sigh of annoyance and shaking my head once again i mutter "patentibus" god, its such a mouth full to say. I almost stumbled over the words, and that wouldn't have been good, luckily i didn't and the spell did its job. The door swung right open, allowing me to walk through without dropping the man. "Prope" that's the spell for closing the door, it's much easier to say that than the opening one.

   I winced as the door closed with a slam and continued making my way to the door behind the counter. That door lead to a guest bedroom, so that's where ill put him until he wakes up. Maneuvering my way around a stray chair, I gently make my way to the bed and set him down on it. With a huff I release the spell binding the towel and it drops to the ground. Useless for now. Making my way back out the door and into the kitchen I grab a bowl from one of the many shelves as I pass by and head towards the sink.

    As I was filling the bowl up with water, I noticed just how tired I was. I used some wandless spells today, and those drain me of my imperium a lot faster than the ones i do with spells. Feeling a rush of cold on my hand, I looked down and noticed that the water had overflowed. Pouring out a small bit from the bowl, I wipe off the water that was running down the sides with a washcloth and make my way back towards the unconscious man.

   Was this a good idea? I mean i'm letting a random stranger into my house, and not to mention hell have to stay here for a while. The healing potion doesn't just automatically heal your wounds. It takes a little while because all it does is speed up the process and remove the pain. That means he'll have to stay a while until his wounds heal. I don't even know what made his wounds! It could have been someone hunting him down, or it could have been mobs. I hope it's the second one. If it was someone hunting him down that means that they most likely will be back to finish the job.

   Ugh, i guess i'll just have to ask him while he wakes up. Coming to a stop beside him I looked down at his face. He seems so peaceful right now. The potion must have already kicked in then. That's good. All I have to do now is clean up his wounds, bandage him up and then wait for him to wake up.

So that's exactly what I did, i cleaned him up, removed and replaced his clothing ( respectfully of course )and of course I left his mask on. It would be hypocritical of me if I took off his mask, and slowly made him eat a bowl of soup. And after a while I got all of that done. Wiping my hands from the leftover soup I flopped down on a chair and let out a breath. My (h/l) (h/c) Strone across my face ( if you have very short hair, or no hair at all pls ignore that part lol) and sweat dripping down my brow. Lazily wiping it away ( which was a tag bit annoying to do with the goggles on) I picked my head back up and swiped a glass of water off of the bedside table and chugged it down. I'm glad i got all of that done, now that it's all done i can rest wh- oh your got to be shitting me. I forgot about the mess I made when I was searching for the pastry oh healing...

With a loud groan I pick myself up off the chair and slink into the open area to clean up, all while waiting for prince charming to wake back up.

(1953 words!)

hey! its the author, i just wanted to say not to be afraid to criticize me in the comments. im trying to get better at writing. anyways, the updating schedule for this book is mostly random. but i will update at least once a week. do NOT pressure me. i dont care if you want an update or not, im writing this for MY entertainment not particularly yours. and no bullying or debating in the comments. any just flat out rude comments will be deleted and the writers will be blocked. anyways stay safe out there, its a nasty world. 

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