02. Holy Grail

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Holy Grail
Chapter Two

August 13, 2018

Nearly four years had passed since Beyoncé had been in the mix of the family business. In these years, she had focused on strengthening her own private family. In her mind, she was successful in erasing all things that associated with that life. She removed herself and her child from anyone that brought up that life, no matter who they were. Her family rarely saw her outside of her mother, Tina.

"Bey!" Tina gushed the moment she saw Bey enter her home. She was wearing a simple black ensemble, which let Bey know that she had attended the funeral.

"Hey Ma. You look good."

Tina blushed and waved her daughter off. "I just threw some clothes on to go and pay my respects. Lord knows Clifford didn't deserve that. How are you feeling about it?"

One thing about Tina, she was always going to be concerned about her children's wellbeing. Their family life wasn't the best, but the most consistent thing was Tina. She acted just like a mother should and that trickled down to how good of a grandmother she was. She made sure that if she couldn't see her grandchildren physically, she was either FaceTiming or sending gifts. Bey couldn't count the amount of random gifts that Sutton had received from her Nana.

"I just don't understand," Bey mumbled. "How did this happened? Out of everyone in the field, Cliff should've had the most protection."

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Mathew spoke up as he emerged in the living room. Terrence followed in behind him. Everyone took a seat and sat in silence for a while.

"What exactly happened? Because the streets are talking and I don't like conflicting stories."

Terrence released a deep breath. "We don't really have a straight answer on that, because we weren't there. Cliff was handling his own business near G's block."

"G?" Bey asked. "So, he was near Giovanni and someone killed him?"

Mathew shook his head. "No, he wasn't near G. He goes out and visits G's kid and baby mama a few times. Just to check in, because you know G doesn't show his face much."

"Has anyone spoken to Giovanni?" Beyoncé asked. "Because he clearly has some explaining to do."

"I don't have to explain shit." The tone of the voice was calm, yet deep. The authority in the voice had everyone in the room on their feet, except the one person that had always lacked the respect. Giovanni slid his hands in the pockets of his slacks whilst taking in the scene. "I lost a son and you think I have to explain something to you?"

"You lost a son in a neighborhood that you should have had locked down. This is the second time someone was able to murder one of your sons in the same vicinity. At what point do you take accountability?" Crossing her legs, Beyoncé narrowed her eyes. For many years, she was the rude one. She was the one questioning everyone, because she trusted no one.

Giovanni eyed her for a moment. She had brought up the murder of his biological son from many years ago. It was a murder committed by someone that the Carter family had been doing business with. It was a murder that Giovanni personally avenged. "I took responsibility for not being in my children's lives, however, I don't think I'm the one that should be taking responsibility for Tip's death."

Bey smirked. "Are you hopping on the bandwagon that it's my fault?"

"For these last few years, his sole mission has been protecting you. You don't even know the dangers that he has kept away from you. You don't know the long list of people that are going to come and try to get a piece of you. That man is the sole reason that you are even still breathing."

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