Chapter 2

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2 years ago, the world fell apart. The cause of the world ending was of course us and when I say us, I mean everyone together as a whole. Slowly, over time we turned on each other. After about a week of pollution, people started noticing that things were off about the others around them. It took a while for scientists to actually realise the problem, until eventually a group of scientists working for a college in America called Yale, worked out what was actually going on. Plants were infecting the human species with toxic chemicals that would trigger anger inside of everyday people. Most people couldn't compose themselves and keep in their frustration towards others around them. About 1 in 200 people would be able to stop themselves from harming the other people around them. Only the kindest, purest humans would be able to keep in and control their anger. Slowly, after time, these people would eventually start turning on each other too. Until, one day, the whole population supposedly had become extinct...or so we thought.
"BANG," a door slams open, revealing what seems to be a young boy aged around 16.

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