Chapter 1

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"Kya, if you don't check I will. You've got one last chance before I pull the hatch open."

In a bright white room with what appeared to only have 1 window, sat a blonde haired confused girl, me. The only object contained inside the plain coloured room with the female character was an also white, basic looking bed. Shock took over the girl when the only door to the room popped open, making a loud spacecraft sort of sound. Another person entered the room in an orange tinted hazmat suit. Before the strange appearing individual could speak yet 1 word, they were overtaken by the only other person in the room's voice, "That's all I remember before it went black."

"Before what went black?"


"I'm sorry, I'm confused, what happened?"

The girl gazed up at the hazmat suited individual as if they had just asked for her to share an answer to an impossible query.

"My friend, we had a disagreement and she said something like, Kya, if you don't open the hatch, I will. Then my whole surroundings just disappeared and people started screaming. The sound they were making was almost unbearable."

The orange being, ignored her past confusing and now seemed to be more startled rather than any other emotion, "Kya, what happened after your friend asked you to open the hatch?"

"I already told you. I don't remember anything after my friend and I had a disagreement, unless you count shrieking voices"

Now the orange person changed emotions even quicker than before and instead of being startled, they looked piqued in a bad way, "I'm sorry if it feels strange for you to talk to me since we just met but I want to help you. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Stacy Morgan" Stacy reached out her hand as a sign of sincerity but her hand was rudely rejected by Kya.

"I don't have to tell you anything. I'd just like to be excused to see my friends."

Kya leaped up, walking towards the door.

"Wait." Stacy declared as she grasped onto Kya's arm, pulling her back aggressively to show she wasn't afraid of the other female's rudeness.

Kya shrugged her off violently. Within 2 seconds, Kya raised her voice to the other woman, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OFF OF ME!" It was clear that Kya was nor afraid of Stacy and didn't care if she had to fight her off to run away to her friends.

"I just want to help you, please." This time Stacy sounded more whiny than sincere. Giving Kya a bad feeling, she urgently darted away from the crazy woman, all the way to a posh looking man down the corridor, who seemed to be in his mid-50s. Kya fell straight headfirst into the man's knees. Surprisingly, the man grinned with his perfectly polished teeth, saying, "Well Kya, I see you've awoken from a long rest."

Kya peered back up to the middle aged man, "I'm so sorry sir, I was just trying to look for my friends."

"No need to apologise miss. Oh, and please, call me John" the slim, male figure politely suggested. Kya's teeth twinkled as she nervously beamed a smile towards her opposite peer.

Kya quickly caught herself as she was falling off-guard and mannered, "Thank you, John. Do you perhaps know where my friends could be?"

John leaped at the opportunity to suggest an idea which had been wandering in his head for the mir minute he'd been speaking with Kya, "Ah, yes, your friends. Although first, would you care to have a conversation privately with me in my office?"

Whilst Miss Ellewood was sceptical at first, she eventually agreed to enter the strange man's office to have a one-on-one chat with him personally. As Kya stepped into the office, she couldn't help noticing how magnificent the small interior was. There sat a gold embroidered, wooden bookshelf with what appeared to contain over four dozen books and a candle which was squashed in between two sets of books on the third row out of the six. In the centre of the room, right in front of the large rectangular cabinet, lay a gorgeous pine desk. Before now, Kya didn't know that such a small room could contain such beauty. The compact area letting off such remarkable dark academia vibes. For some unknown reason, Kya felt safe for once in a very long time.

A voice quickly snapped her out of her daydreaming, "Kya, please sit down and stop gazing cluelessly about as if you've been struck by lightning."
Surprised, Kya shyly did just as John had asked.

"Now that we can talk privately, without the eyes of the civilians staring into our souls-"

Kya quickly jumped into the opportunity to intervene, "civilians?" She asked whilst looking awfully confused.

Luckily, John knew exactly why Kya looked so confused, "Yes, that is what I named my people."

Now, his conversation partner looked even more confused than what he had expected, "your people?" She questioned nervously.

"Ah, yes, another interesting question. My people are the humans who live in this wonderful chamber. As I've already stated, I like to call them civilians."

Kya didn't seem so confused anymore, at this present moment she seemed more interested than anything else. Her past worries had left her mind, although her head was spinning with questions about the large chamber that she was inside. Sadly, her thoughts were interrupted by John who also had the intention of asking a question or two.

"Let's forget about the chamber and the civilians for now, I'll tell you more about those subjects later. Right now, all I want to know about is how you survived the virus without living in this enclosure."

Somehow, without moving an inch or changing facial expressions, John suddenly became intimidating towards Kya. It was obvious that Kya was feeling nervous around him in this moment but John still continued his search on her.

"How did you, Kya?" John persisted to ask.

A lingering stare was shared between them for a few moments. A very quiet, still series of seconds. After being able to escape her enchantment in John's eyes, Kya quickly stepped out of her chair and fixed herself up.

"It's a long story that probably would interest you at all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell asleep while listening to it," Kya muttered at a fast pace.

It was obvious, Kya was hiding something and John could see through her completely.

"I take that as a challenge."
Just like Kya, it also looked as if John was not about to give up on this polite argument any time soon. Kya sat back in the seat she was just placed in herself a few seconds ago.

"As I said it's a long story"

John looked her up and down. He knew that if he waited a few more moments she would give in and spill everything out. She did just that. She told him everything. From the start of the virus to the single second everything went black.

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