Years Later

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The girl woke up in the room across from her grandparents. It was already about noon. She didn't go down stairs until about 2:00 pm. Her grandpa was heading to the store and he asked her if she wanted to go and she responded with "Not really." He thought in his head..."Why does she never wanna go to the store anymore?" "Why is she always on her phone?" "Why don't we laugh and have a good time like we used to?" "Why don't we buy grandma gifts together anymore?" "Why does she seem so distant?" "What happened to my bubbly little granddaughter?" Meanwhile in the girl's head..."I wish I have the social energy to go to the store with him." "I wish I could escape the world and my thoughts better." "I wish I could have a better relationship with my family." "I wish I was that bubbly little girl again." And lastly in the grandma's head..."Why does she look so sad?" "Is she ok?" "Did something happen at school?" "Is she to scared to tell us something?" "I wish she was our bubbly little granddaughter again."

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