This time she controlled her anger when he referred her as wild cat cause this time she was at fault.

" You can also hit me."
She said lowly.

" Is it so?"
He raised brow.

She nodded.

He raised his hand with full force and she shut her eyes closed.

After few moments she felt his hand ruffling her hair and she opened her eyes.

"You are a fool Mrs. Khan!"
He said rolling his eyes.

She smiled and hugged him quickly.

"Why you thought that I will hit you?"
He asked looking down at her head.

"Hmmm... I don't know!"
She murmured.

He slapped her head lovingly and put his chin over her head after kissing the spot.

Moments passed in hurry.

" Ali..."

She whispered in her chest.

He hummed stroking her back.

He was sitting while she was almost laying on him.

"I want to spend a day at an old age home. We will feed them and entertain them. I want my reception to be like this. In this way our Sunnah will also be completed and we will be able to cheerful up some hearts who are counting on their last beats."

She said in one whiel drawing irregular shapes on his chest.

He kept on listening to her calmly and them sighed.

When he didn't say anything for quite a while, Samahir looked up at him only to find him starring at her.

"What? Won't you agree on this?"
She asked slowly.

"I am surprised!"
He said.


"I never knew taht you can be this thoughtful."
He smiled.

" You think that I am a spoiled brat?"
She narrowed eyes.

" Yes!!"
He said.

" Yes?"
She pouted making a cry face.

" Yes! My spoiled brat!"
He giggled and pulled her closer to him kissing the tip of her nose.

Upon listening to his musical laughter, her lips also curled up in a heartwarming and she placed a feathery kiss on his chest.

Ali's heart skipped a beat at her move but little did he show.

It was 11 at night when all the youngsters were gathered up in lounge cause Samahir messaged them all.

Ali along with Mahir and Zarlin was sitting on one sofa while Rafey with Fajar and Ayla was sitting on sofa across them.

Arsum and Wali continuously leaning on each other while sitting on floor with the girls.

"So guys.."
Mahi said standing up.

"Actually Me and Ali had decided to..."
WITH this she narrated whole story.

"But the thing is we will use only our savings and won't bother our parents."
Mahi added further.

"Well this is such a mind blowing idea!"
Mahir complimented.

"We am all set!"
Rafey smiled taking Fajar's palm in his.

"We too!!!"
Tabeer, Hoorain along with Zarlin shouted.

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