73. Hero

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My God, how much I'd missed her. Tonight was as good as the first time. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. She was drunk and threatened not to talk to me again if I didn't have sex with her that night, and I did, because I couldn't bear to have her close but away at the same time, and the hilarious thing is that I didn't even know to love her. I had only met her for two or three days and she was already everything to me. Since her lips have touched mine without any warning, no signal, mine have not touched anyone else's, and it will be like this as long as we are together, so I hope forever.
The spark between us started immediately. When I heard her voice saying "Hi! Are you Hardin? Hero Fiennes Tiffin?" I immediately fell in love with it; and then... her laugh... that made my heart overflow with joy and in that moment I felt inside that it would be hers forever, but I wasn't ready to admit it.
I remember the panic in her eyes when I said "I need to tell you, I can't take it anymore." She thought I was going to say something shocking, what I really should have done right away, and instead what came out of my lips was an I love you. She was initially confused, I too, I couldn't figure out what she was thinking at that moment. She thought about it for a few seconds, then she smiled at me and on my lips she whispered "I love you, Hero" and immediately afterwards she kissed me. Those words from her lips were oxygen to my lungs. I was afraid, afraid it wasn't the same for her. Then, after a few laughs, I saw her thoughtful and asked her what she was thinking about and she told me that once again it was thanks to me if she understood how she felt. I felt special. I still feel special to be loved by her. I would like to be loved by her forever, until the end of my days and beyond, because I live because of her love.

Now I'm in a state of semi-sleep and resting my head on her soft butt, I don't know how we ended up like this.
I hear footsteps heading towards this room as Kathrine starts knocking. "Jo! Start getting ready!"
She snorts and murmurs in a low voice, "What a drag." Then, in a sleepy voice, she says, "Yes, Kath, okay."
She stops knocking and then asks from behind the door, "Where is Hero?"
She gives me a giggle. Where could I be if not in bed naked with your sister?
"He's here," Jo informs her.
"Oooh, okaaay," and she walks away.
She turns on her stomach and covers herself with the sheets. "She always thinks badly," she says, yawning.
"Well, she's not all wrong though," I chuckle.
"Oh stop it!" and she pats me on the head.
"Did you sleep well?" I ask as I settle down next to her and start drawing abstract things on her chest, it's something I do often and it relaxes me a lot.
"You mean... after last night?" she smiles satisfied.
I nod. I know she liked what we did.
"Well... after you fucked me on the wall and in bed? Yes, yeah I slept well."
"You have to try new things," I shrug, giggling.
"Right, otherwise you'll get bored."
"I never get bored with you, stupid," and I kiss her softly.
She stands up, fully exposed, and I can't take my eyes off her. Her body and her skin are perfection. She is the proof that God has preferences, yep.
She enters the bathroom and turns on the shower water.
"Don't you dare not ask me to shower with you, Miss Langford." I follow her and pull her body close to mine.
"Oh, I'm sorry, but I almost didn't do it," she says defiantly.
I step into the small shower and take her with me. The water is very hot, too hot, so we put it in such a way that it is lukewarm, so as not to burn ourselves.
"I think taking a shower with you is one of my favorite pastimes," I say suddenly.
She glares at me and tilts her head to one side. "Oh, so I'm just a pastime for you?"
"Absolutely not. In fact, if we have to put it this way, one day I want to fucking marry you," I say laughing, but I'm very serious.
Seeing her in a white dress crossing the aisle of a cathedral with her father arm in arm is my dream.
She doesn't say anything, but she smiles as biting her lip.
"Let's shower or it will be late. And don't provoke me, because we don't have time!" she points a finger at me.
"I promise I won't," I raise my hands in surrender.
She kisses me under the shower head and we start washing. Obviously, even if I promised, I'll provoke her a little, because this is also one of my favorite hobbies: provoking her in the shower.

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