"Although tempting as that sounds. I won't be able to relax until—" She hesitated, detesting the fact that her chores and routines could hold her to ransom when she had not one but two men offering to worship her in the best possible way.

Nathan sensed the increasing tension, and already she had shown such courage in surrendering herself to them, he would not push further today. "Okay, I will submit." He flipped her hand over and pressed a kiss to her palm. "You tend to your chores, sweetheart. Jax and I won't disturb you."

"Thank you."  His acceptance of her odd compulsions eased the remaining tension in her shoulders.

"But I won't promise when we get you home later that either of us will keep our hands from you."

Face hot, Rayne shivered and hoped that was a promise he intended on keeping.

~ ~

As Rayne set to her chores with a fervour only matched by her passion for her two men sat outside. She sang to the playlist in the background.  Alanis Morissette was todays selection as it echoed throughout the downstairs rooms.

Nathan and Jaxon relaxed, enjoying the rest of the day's sunshine.

Jaxon sat with his feet up on another chair drinking a beer, whilst Nathan sipped iced tea, having drawn the short straw as tonight's designated driver. Although he could easily get their father's chauffeur to drive them home if he drank whilst there. But he honestly didn't mind. Alcohol had hardly played a role in his life, anything that reduced his control in any way held little appeal.

Jaxon on the other extreme adored his fine whiskey's, enjoyed the odd beer and the occasional glass of wine.

Nathan observed Jaxon reply to messages on his phone. Rarely one to pry, one particular issue played in the back of his mind, aware that his brother did not transfer his affections easily as he had suggested. And although he didn't question or doubt his growing affection for Rayne, as he suspected anyone who spent an amount of time in her company would indubitably fall for her... even in some small way.

"Have you spoken with Nicole?"

Jaxon took a sip from his bottled beer. "She's in LA. Returns next week."

Nathan knew Jaxon was not a coward and would not end what he had with Nicole via some tacky text or email. He would do it face to face, or at the very least verbally. "I'm guessing she is unaware of the current situation, assuming you are still an item?"

"We don't have a fixed arrangement and we haven't discussed being exclusive, but let's face the truth. You and I both know she wouldn't have given me a second thought if it weren't for you—she wants you. She'll happily string me along, but her heart belongs to you. I was merely the tool to get you back." Jaxon hated the resentment that tainted each word.

"I have spoken to her."

Jaxon sat up, placing his bottle on the table. "When?"

"Recently. Did you provide her with my number?"

Jaxon shook his head, holding a hand up in surrender. "No man, honestly." But he wouldn't have put it past her to sneak a look at his phone.

Nathan believed him. "I told her straight. It's never going to happen. You need to make it clear Jax, I don't want any ideas in that head of hers. She has that whole fatal attraction vibe." Nathan mock shuddered.

Jaxon nodded at the reference. He would rather end whatever it was between them face to face, but that could be weeks before he could arrange such a meeting. Perhaps a telephone call would suffice on this occasion. "I'll get it done by the end of the week."

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