Arw my thoughts destorying me

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The thought of killing myself is more and more interesting everyday. The thought of slicing my skin so u bleed out, the thought of hanging from the ceiling lifeless, the thought of laying in my bed lifeless from to many pills is so reassuring. People ask me everyday if I am ok. I smile and say I'm fine. But I'm really not in getting worse and worse and you can't see it. You can't see the pain in my eyes. You can't see the sorrow in my soul. You can't see the cuts in my skin. You have no idea what is really happening. That cutting myself brings so much reassurance.
It is always there for me. When I am sad. And need someone to take the anger out. It's there. I know that it will never leave me. I know that no matter how much i cry it complain it will always be wrapped in a towel hidden where no one will ever look.
My parents are clueless to what's happening that their daughter is stuggling and they have no idea. That she is destroying what little is left.
This is is me. And this girl is broke.

forever alone! forever hurt!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora