2- unfinishable sentances

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Ashton glumly walked through town, making his way to the Garage. Ashton couldn't fix cars, but his friend, Michael, let him work at the reception. It was a bit cramped, but at least he had a job.

Michael was Ashtons best friend. Ashton wasn't very good at making friends, but him, Michael and Calum have been inseperable since High school. The two even stuck by him when he came out as gay.

Calum wasnt around much anymore. His football career was always hauling him around to foreign places. He still helped at the workshop sometimes, but often he was too tired out. The two missed him sometimes, so bad that facetime wasn't enough. But, Calum did enjoy his job and that was enough for the mashton team.

The whole reception area was covered in souveniers Calum had collected for his friends. From stop signs to snow globes, there was a lot of shit. The reception area really was cool, like a tattoo parlour.
"Hey, Mike."
Ashton said, tossing his jacket onto a nearby couch and sitting his usual roller chair.
"Hey Ash, you're early today."
Mike mumbled from under the car. He rolled out from under it and leaned over through the small window in the reception to talk to Ashton.
"Why's that, hey?"
Ashton groaned and slumped further into his seat. Michael always questioned every little thing.
"I couldn't get back to sleep."
Ashton grumbled.
"M'just tired, that's all."
Michael quirked up a pierced eyebrow as if to say 'I don't believe you' but left it at that.

Michael was correct. Ashton was lying, he wasn't tired at all. His mind was plagued with the thought of the strange blonde boy on the monkey bars.


Luke sat crying under his favourite tree. He had just been beaten up again.
"Why do they keep doing that?!"
Luke screamed at no-one, digging his face deeper into his crosses arms. His whole body hurt and his mind was all over the place. He should go find Lawrence. Yeah, he'll go do that. As Luke got up, he heard a unfamilar voice.
"Hey, wait!"
Coming out from the bushes, Luke looked around. His eyes landed on a small shitzu that was tired to a post by the bike rack.
"Don't leave me!"
The puppy cried.
"I miss you! Please!"
Luke wandered over to the small puppy and crouched infront of him.
"Who left you?"
Luke asked, his eyes still red from crying.
"That man! That horrible fat one!"
The puppy cried once again, huddling into the blonde boy. Luke untied the dog and brought him up to his chest. He could do with a new friend.
"Well, it's lucky I found you. What's your name? I'm Luke."
The puppy sniffled and snuggled into Lukes chest.
"My name is Jasper."
Luke cooed slightly and brought him over to lawrences tree.
"Hello lawrence. I would like you to meet-"
Lawrence let out a screech and ran out of his tree.
"How dare you bring this foul beast near my family!?"
Luke clung onto Jasper tighter.
"This one's good i prom-"
Lawrence interrupted him once again.
"Good? Good?! That squirrel eating monster is not allowed anywhere near my family!"
Luke rolled his eyes.
"Well, he's near me."
Lawrence raised his hand as if to make a point but then put it back.
"Well, yes, he is... but..."
Luke shoved Jasper closer to the fussy squirrel.
"Say hi."
Luke demanded.
"No! I refuse to do-"
Luke stomped his foot on the ground.
"Say hi!"
Lawrence sighed and patted Jaspers head.
"Hi Jasper."
Luke smiled in triumph and put Jasper by his feet.
"Thank you lawrence. Now, can you go fetch me some new clothes and a blanket for Jasper?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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