Paul's POV
           After kissing Vanessa, she pulled away and said " I'm sorry Paul," she left me in her room alone. I try to follow her but she was gone. Emmett said " where's Vanessa?" I said " I don't know," Bella said " what do you mean you don't know, you were just in her room earlier." I said " she left after I kissed her," Rosalie said " you what!" I said " I imprinted on her," Rosalie was about to attack me when Jasper calmed her down. I said " thanks Jasper," Jasper just nodded. Esme came and said " where's Vanessa," I said " she left after I kissed her," Esme said " don't tell me you imprinted on her," I said " sorry Esme but I imprinted on Vanessa." The door opened and revealed Vanessa, her eyes were red and puffy. Esme rushed up to her and hug her, Esme said " where were you dear," Vanessa said " I was just in the woods sorry mom to get you worried." Esme said " it's okay next time just tell us before you go somewhere," Vanessa said " I will," they broke the hug and Vanessa said " I'll be in my room," she started walking upstairs and I tried to follow her but Alice stopped me. She said " today is not her best day," Jake said " why not its Valentine's Day," Alice said " it's her birthday," I said " yeah today is Vanessa's birthday." Esme said " why didn't I know that, I'm going to make a cake for her," Rosalie said " I'll help." Both of them walked to the kitchen.

Vanessa's POV

        I walked back to the guest room and plop into the bed. My eyes started to close that's when darkness took over me.




Vanessa's POV
         I woke up by someone knocking on the door. I got up from the bed and rub my eyes, I walked to the door and opened it and it was Alice standing there grinning. I said " hey Alice," she said " hey Happy Birthday," I said " how did you know," she said " Paul." I sigh and said " oh," she said " come with me," she grab my hand and drag me downstairs. Mom was there and so did the others, mom came with a cake and the candles were lit up. She said " Happy Birthday Sweetheart, make a wish," I wish to be in this happy family. I blew the candles and everyone started clapping. Mom said " tomorrow Alice will take you shopping," I said " okay," everyone started eating the cake and I was just talking to Jake about him imprinting on Renesmee and Bella got mad at Jake for giving Renesmee a nickname; Nessie. Bella yelled at Jake saying he nickname Renesmee after the lockniss (Idk if I spelled that right) monster. The packs went home and Bella, Edward, and Renesmee left and went into their own cottage into the woods. I went back to the guest room and changed into my pajamas. I took off my makeup and washed my face and wipe my face. I went to my bed and turn the light off living in the bed side table.

~ Next Morning ~

Vanessa's POV

        The door swung open and Alice said " wake up Nessa were going shopping," I said " with who," she said " Rosalie, Bella, and Nessie." I said " okay let me changed," she said " I already picked your outfit and it's in the bathroom and I'm going to do your hair," she left and I went to the bathroom. I twisted the tap and hopped inside the shower. After showering, I wrap the towel around my body and changed into my undergarments and changed into dark high waisted skinny jeans, maroon knit sweater, white low tops converse. Alice came and did my hair, she fishtail braided it. She also did my makeup which was just liquid eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. After doing that, I put denim jacket hoodie and grab my shoulder bag, and put my wallet and phone inside the bag. I walked downstairs and we piled inside Rosalie's dark gray four doors BMW. Renesmee was in the middle while I was on the right side and Alice was on the left side, Bella was on the passenger seat. I said " where we headed?" Rosalie said " Port Angeles," Alice said " we will arrived in an hour at the mall." The rest of the ride was okay. We finally arrived and Alice drag me to Forever 21 and She picked an outfit for me to try on.

~ 6 Hours Later ~

Vanessa's POV

         " can we go home now," I whined. Alice said " one more store," I sigh and said " fine but I'm going to the bookstore," Bella said " okay," Nessie said " can I come," Bella said " go ahead Ness." Nessie took my hand and we walked to the bookstore. I went to grab The Kill Order, and all the books of Mortal Instruments. Nessie went to the kids sections and we paid the books, I paid Nessie's even though she wants to pay it by herself. We went back to Alice, Rose, and Bella. We were done shopping and we went back to the car and put the bags into the trunk. We piled inside the car and I was on the passenger seat while Bella was at the back.

~ At Home ~

Vanessa's POV

       We arrived at home like five minutes ago and right now mom is bringing me to my new room. She is covering my eyes and she's making sure I don't trip at the stairs. We finally stopped and my mom uncover my eyes and my room was beautiful (picture of her room in the side). I said " thank you mom," she said " don't thank me thank the people who helped," I said " who," she said " their downstairs in the living room." I ran downstairs and to the living room. The packs were here talking and laughing but one problem was that Paul wasn't happy, he was sad. I said " thank you guys and girl for making my room," they all said " your welcome." I went to the balcony outside and sat down in one of the chairs. The door opened and I didn't bother to look behind. I said " leave me alone," the voice said " can we talk," it belongs to Paul.

A/N: This is the second chapter. Hope you like it! Can someone give me idea? I really need to focus on Vanessa's and Paul's relationship. I want them to be frenemies in the beginning and then turn out to be best friends and then Paul tells her that he imprinted on her. So hope you like this chapter! I'll be updating more chapters!

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