Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Stephanie Meyer except Vanessa. I will be adding more characters in the near future. Also Vanessa is a hybrid half human and half vampire.


Information about Vanessa:

Name: Vanessa Liliana Brooks Cullen

Born: February 14, 1997; just turn 17

Nickname: Van, Nessa, Ness, or Lily

Parents: Vivian Brooks and Victor Brooks; dead

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid; Half Human and Half Vampire

Hair Color: Brown hair

Eye Color: Blue (Human)

Skin Color: A Little Bit Pale and she has some freckles

Sibling: Brother (unknown), Sister (unknown)

Height: 5"5

Abilities: Can copy Vampire's powers, can teleport, physical and mental shield.

Personality: Good Sense of humor, friendly, sometimes mean when someone is on her nerves, caring, funny.


Vanessa's POV

I woke up by our foster mother Kara. I open my eyes and rub them, Kara said " c'mon Nessa someone is here to adopt you," I got up from my bed and went to get ready. I changed into my outfit (her outfit in the side). I brushed my dirty blonde hair and put it into a high pony. I apply mascara and red lipstick, I grab my phone and walked downstairs to the lobby. I went to Kara and she saw me and her face lighten. She said " Vanessa met your new adoptive parents Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme Cullen," there stood two people around their 30s or 40s. Dr. Carlisle Cullen has light shiny blonde hair and pale face while Esme has shiny bronze hair and pale face. Esme said " hello dear," her voice was like a motherly. I said " hello Mrs. Cullen," she said " oh call me Esme," I said " okay Esme." Dr. Carlisle said " hi I'm Carlisle, Esme and I will be adopting you," I said " really?" He said " really now go pack and will be signing some papers," I nodded my head as a yes and I went back to my room and grab my black suitcase and packed my clothes and my stuff like my diary and books. I went back to the lobby and Kara hugged me goodbye and said " be a good girl okay Vanessa," I said " always be." We pulled away and Carlisle came and took my suitcase. Esme said " ready to go dear?" I said " sure," we walked outside before we went I give Kara a last hug and walked outside with Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle put my suitcase into the trunk and we piled inside into his Black four door convertible BMW. I put on my seatbelt and Carlisle turn the car into ignition. Esme said " so dear how old are you," I said " I'm 17 years old," Carlisle said " are you human?" I said " um not exactly," Esme said " it's okay your secret is safe with us," I said " I'm a hybrid half human and half vampire, I know this because before my dad died he told me I was a hybrid." Carlisle said " who was your mom," I said " her name was Vivian she used to work in Italy with the Voultouri," Carlisle said " I know who's Vivian she was Aro's sister." The ride home was Esme and Carlisle asking me questions. They told me that they were vampires also. I noticed that we were in the deep forest, we finally stopped into a beautiful mansion. I got out of the car and Carlisle said " Esme why won't you take her inside I'll take care of her suitcase," Esme said " of course come dear," we went inside and the inside was more beautiful. I said " this is a beautiful house," Esme said " thank you I design it," I said " really." She give me a tour around the house and the backyard was more beautiful. It has a pool, a garden, and last of all it was deep into the woods. After the tour, Esme told me to call her mom and also to call Carlisle dad. Mom is cooking lunch for me while dad went back to work at the hospital and that leaves me. I am sitting in the couch at the living room watching TV until I hear voices. The door open and someone said " Were Home," I fell to the ground because of the voice it was loud. I quickly got up and five people came to the living room, they we're stunning. A girl that has pixie brown hair said " hello I'm Alice this is Rosalie," she was pointing to the girl that has beautiful, shiny blonde hair, " this is Edward," Edward was a little quiet, he chuckled to himself. Alice continued, " this is Emmett," Emmett was big, Edward again chuckled. Alice said, " last of all my mate Jasper," Jasper has shiny blonde hair and was quiet. I looked at all of them and when I looked at Edward, Alice, and Jasper I think I just copied their power. Edward said " your a vampire?" I said " um a hybrid," Rosalie said " what's your name," I said " Vanessa." Esme came and said " ah Vanessa you just met your new siblings," Alice said " wait Esme you adopted her," mom said " yes," Alice squealed a little girl and she said " we are totally going shopping!" Ugh! Shopping really? Edward chuckled and I said " why do you keep chuckling?" Edward said " I can read minds," I said " really do you guys have special powers," Alice said " I can predict the future while Jasper can manipulate emotions and you already know Edward's." I said " cool," Edward was thinking about a girl name Bella. I said " who's Bella," mom said " how did you know about that," I said " I was reading Edward's thoughts," the others gasped and mom said " you can copy vampire's powers." I said " yeah I think so," I have a vision about werewolves coming to our territory. That's when the door open, it revealed ten people plus dad. A little girl ran to Edward and a girl came up to him and kissed him. Rosalie said " why are they here," I said " is something wrong with them," mom said " Rosalie don't really like the werewolves," I said " you guys are werewolves cool." Dad said " how can I help you Sam," a guy around his 30s I'm guessing Sam said " who's this," he was pointing at me. Rude much! Why you pointing at me for werewolf? Edward chuckled and I said " stop going through my mind Eddie," the girl said " I'm Bella Edward's wife and this is little Renesmee our child," I bent down to face Renesmee. I said " hi Renesmee," she said " hello your pretty," I said " thank you I'm Vanessa and your adorable," I stand up again and dad said " this is Vanessa we just adopted her today," Sam said " does she know," Dad said " yeah she's a hybrid," mom said " Vanessa why won't you take Renesmee to the kitchen I made lunch Seth go with them," a boy around 15 came and the three of us walked to the kitchen. The boy said " I'm Seth," I said " hi Seth I'm Vanessa," a cake was place in the counter and Seth quickly grab a plate and fork and started eating. I chuckled and Renesmee joined Seth eating. Renesmee said " are you hungry," I said " no I'm just thirsty," a voice behind me said " that's what she said," I turn around and I was facing a guy that look a year older and was shirtless and only wearing a short and he has muscle. I said " you have a dirty mind," I grab my cup and went to the refrigerator and grab a milk and pour some milk into the cup. The guy said " I'm Paul," I said " and I'm Vanessa." I put back the milk and now I was staring at Paul and I was lost in his eyes and I can't look away. That's when, I hear a thump, I accidentally dropped the cup and everyone was here. Mom said " what happened? Are okay Vanessa?" I said " I um I accidentally drop the cup," Sam said " Paul did you just imprinted on her?" Paul said " yes," I look away and Paul was thinking of me. Rosalie growl and said " why?" She left and I said " imprinting," a guy said " I'm Jacob or Jake imprinting it's not like love at first sight really, it's more like gravity moves suddenly, it's other the earth holding you here anymore, she does you become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend." I said " wow Jake you know something about imprinting," Edward said " of course he imprinted on little Nessie," I said " Jake you imprinted on Renesmee." Jake nodded his head as a yes, Renesmee and Seth were still eating. I said " so Paul what are you to me," he said " a lover," I said " but I just met you," he said " but I'm in love with you," I said " this is crazy we just met, mom where's my room."

A/N: Hope you like this first chapter. I will try to make the next chapter exciting. I'll try to update more chapters in my other story and here. Hope you all like it! Vanessa is the only character I own but I'm going to add new characters in the future. All the amazing characters belong to Stephanie Meyer! Next chapter is when Alice, Bella, Rosalie, Vanessa, and Nessie going shopping while Esme, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, the packs decorate Vanessa's new room and surprised her.

Adopted By The Cullens (Twilight/Paul Lahote) * ON HOLD *Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt