Chapter Two: Father And Child Day

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"Oops... My bad" the godling said half to themself and half to the poor boy they were looking over. They had just fearlessly and carelessly ran onto the raod of traffic knowing full well that they wouldn't die much less be hurt by any vehicle. But he didn't expect someone to save them, well more like attempt to save them since they weren't in any real danger to begin with.

And thats how the godling played the biggest role in the death of a mortal who wasn't supposed to die just yet. In fact he still had many years on him.

The older god clicked his tounge 'No, no, no, no, no' before a glowing orbe emerged from the mortal's chest. His soul leaving his body and beginning to float up but is stopped by the gods hand and hovers over it instead of going to its original destination.

The god sighed "You need to be more careful even if you can't die here you can still and most likely will effect the mortal's around you, and now you've caused the death of this kind soul." the father scolded.

"I'm sorry daddy..." the little on pouted "l didn't mean to."

"No matter, its fine." the radiant father forgave "Just be more careful next time, especially when we're in the mortal world, its difficult to gage how much or how little you can negatively or positively effect someone's life, thats why a lot of gods rarely leave the heavens."

"Yes dad... so what do we do with this poor soul?"  the godling inquired.

"I'll just send him to place he'll like to make it up to him." the god responded after a moment of looking into the soul. Then he quickly did as he said he would and the soul had disappeared.

"Where'd you send him?" the young god onec again inquired.

"Ehhhh i don't know, some kind of fantasy world with magic and stuff in it." the elder god shrugged.

The younger one furrowed his brows discontent with their fathers carelessness when it came to sending the kind soul away. "Shouldn't you put more thought into it, we just caused his premature death after all."

"Correction, you caused his premature death." the godling pouted at their fathers response. "And i'll have you know i did put thought into it!"

"How?" he questioned as if challenging his sometimes lazy father.

"I made sure his soul would only go into the body of a male." he retorted.

"... Ok and?" they once again questioned.

"What do you mean 'ok and?' the child is male in a female body." he stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oooh, so they're... What's that word... transgender?" the child realized. "Wait so what about their fate?" curiosity again gripped the child.

"It's in his fate to one day have a male body that alines with his gender identity" the god again soothed the childs curiosity.

"So you just fulfilled their fate. But wait why is the souls body female if they are male? Was he... born wrong?" curiousity still hadn't loosened its grip on the child as they hesitantly asked their question.

"No of course not, your not born wrong rather your born in a situation that would require you to grow and learn from to one day achieve your fate, whether it be good or bad." the radiant father explained.

Still, confusion covered the young god's face.

The god sighs and begins his explenation "See fate is actually really loose, for example a mortal's fate might be to one day, somehow kill someone they love and it will inevitably happen no matter how hard they try to stop it from happening, see how i was vague and loose with it, that made it so that mortal's still have free will to do as they please whilst still having a fate. And so because fate is really loose it allows for free will a gift from the gods to occur. the only thing that isn't part of their free will is the mortal's fate. So basically the mortal will one day some how achieve their fate while still being able to choose how... to some capacity. But a mortal is also born with "challenges" or circumstances for them to overcome and or aid them in reaching their fate. For example if one's fate is to become powerful then they will be born weak or normal and in this case this kind soul's fate was to become male both inside and out so he was born as a woman. So no one is ever born wrong."

"Ooooohh i get it, i get it, but how come some don't live past a few hour or years of birth, and what about all the ones born in terrible situations?" the child went on a slight tangent.

"Life isn't always happy my child, if it were then it wouldn't be life." he pated his childs niave head.

"It'd be a fantasy." the child sombrely said.

"Yes, thats correct. And it's what the person chooses to do with their circumstances that really makes the difference. One can not simply sit and hope that somehow their life will change for the better, they too must stand up and push for this change to happen." the elder god explained and the younger one nodded in agreement. "Don't be so sad now my child, this is simply the way of life. Come, lets continue our father and child day it still has yet to end." the God comforted.

"Ok, but what about this situation?" he asked as he looked out to the panicked people around them, many of them traumatized and frantically calling for emergency services or perhaps loved ones, snapping pictures and staring in shock and disbelief, actually there was an array of different reactions.

The two were practically in their own world.

"let the servants take care of it, most of the situation will resolve itself anyway." the father shruged and took his child into his arms to go about they day while the chaos and panic ensued around them.

"Wait let me give the kind soul a blessing as my apology gift! " the child said.

"Go ahead." the father allowed and gave his child another pat on the head, proud to see his child making amends for their mistake as they put their hands together and closed their eyes for a glow to emerge from the tiny hands of the godling as they blessed the kind soul that gave their life away to try and save them. When they were done they looked to their father and nodded as if to say 'all done!'.

"Now, where to next?" now it was the God's turn to ask a question.

"Hmmmmm how about we go there!" the godling responded and the god walked in the direction of where his child had pointed with a smile on his face.

The godling took one last look at the now corpse, that was being loaded onto a stretcher, of the kind soul who tried to save them and smiled as they thought "I wish you a happy life kind sir."

And with that the pair left the chaotic scene as if nothing had happened.

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