“Wait so what are you trying to say Philip.” Philip smiled at Alex even though Alex’s heart was beating a thousand mile in his chest.

“I am retiring after New Year Alex. It is sudden I know, but I can’t keep working with all my heart problems.” Alex nodded shocked that his mentor and boss was leaning. Alex wondered if his son was going to take over the company or if Philip sold it off which would be understandable.

“Who is going to take over you?” Philip rubbed the back of his neck before taking a deep breath.

“My son was meant to, but he has no interest in the company and I couldn’t sell it. Would I am trying to say Alex is that I would like you to take over the company after I retire.” Alex was shock he didn’t say anything as he let the information sink in before jumping out of his seat and start pacing.

“Why the hell would you want me to take over the company?” Alex asked running his hands through his hair.

“Alex you are the best out there. Without you we wouldn’t have half the top clients we do.” Alex kept pacing wondering what the hell he was going to do. He knew nothing about running a company. Let alone a company as big as this one.

“I don’t know nothing about running a company Philip. I know how to sell a pitch a good one not running an international company.” Alex pulled out his hair a sign of stress. He already had hardly any time with his family and know all he was going to be was working.

“You are not going to be alone Alex. Even though I am retiring I won’t be leaving for another 5 years. Alex this take over will be a 5 year take over. I have to teach you everything I know and you have to go to all the company’s we have around the world to learn everything that goes on. I wouldn’t leave you on your own Alex you will have an exceptional team behind you.” Alex was still pacing muttering to himself so Philip got off the desk and placed a hand on Alex shoulder stoping his from pacing.

“I can’t do it Philip. I need time to think. This is a huge role you want me to take on. I have experience in running a company and you say it will be a five year take over. What about my family Philip. I know how demanding being the CEO is and the stress that comes with it. I am already having a few troubles at home with work.” Alex told him the truth and even though Philip was upset he understood where Alex was coming from.

The job was demanding, but the rewards at the end were worth it.

“I will give you a few days to think about it Alex, but I will be announcing my retirement at the Christmas party on the 3rd. I would like to be able to announce that you will be taking over and explain it will be a five year take over.” Alex gasped. That gave him a week to give his answer.

“A week Philip. You are giving me a week to make this decision.” Alex shook his head needing more time.

“I know it is very sudden Alex, but I believe you can take this company to great places in the future.” Alex nodded his head as he sat down again.

“Look Philip can you give me a few days to think about it?” Philip nodded before grabbing a huge yellow folder filled with the paper’s Alex needed to read and sign.

Perfectly Flawed (re-writing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt