Dramatic Entrance

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*Monroe's POV*

When we pull up to the house, we can hear the bass from the music playing inside, and there are cars lining the street. Good, we're not the first ones here. How awkward would that have been? Plus, it's impossible to make a dramatic entrance when nobody is around to see it.

We step out of the uber and I quickly pull out my phone to give him a good rating and add a tip. I turn to the girls and say, "Alright, remember ladies, we are confident, badass bitches who don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks. Also, no matter how awesome this party is, we do not comment on it. We act like we're above the whole thing, got it?"

They both nod and I think the alcohol is contributing to our confidence levels because even Charlie looks like she's not nervous at all. We school our faces into the sexy, but slightly unimpressed looks we practiced in the mirror earlier and we make our way to the front door, Charlie and Maddy on either side of me.

When I open the double doors and the three of us walk in, I take a look around and notice several heads have turned to look at us; some with lust and some with jealousy. Whispers start making their way through the room. We ignore it all. I look to Charlie and Maddy and am satisfied that their confidence has not waivered and their expressions remain aloof.

"Alright ladies, shall we go find some drinks?"

Maddy nods and says, "Yeah the kitchen is right this way."

She leads us past the living room and into a massive kitchen with an island in the middle that is filled entirely with alcohol and different kinds of mix. The chatter in the kitchen quiets when we walk in but they recover quickly. I grab three cups and pour some rum in the bottom of each.

"Alright, we're gonna start with a shot, because it wouldn't be a party without one."

Charlie looks nervous and says, "I've never done one before."

I smile at her and say, "It's okay, you just toss it back and the swallow as quickly as possible. It's not so bad, I promise."

She takes the cup and we all cheers and throw back the alcohol. It burns a lot more than the expensive stuff I'm used to. Charlie grimaces but she handles it well, and Maddy and I make no expression. "Ugh, that's nasty. How do you guys do that so well?" Charlie asks.

We reply, "Practice," at the same time and both let out a laugh. "You'll get used to it," I tell her as I start to pour more rum into the glasses. "We're not doing another right now are we?" Charlie asks, a little frightened. I chuckle and say, "No, no, we don't need to be holding your hair later. I'm mixing this one with coke." She lets out a sigh of relief and I hand them each a glass.

"Should we go scope out this party?" I suggest.

They both nod, and we head back into the living room. It seems like most people are out in the backyard though so we make our way through the patio doors to find a giant in-ground swimming people with at least 100 teenagers circled around it; some in it.

As I look around, I spot Xander walking towards us. Unfortunately, Maddy notices too and nudges me in the side with her elbow.

He walks right up to us and says, "Monroe! My girl! You actually came!" He releases me and I can't help but grin when I look up at him and say, "I told you I would. What? You didn't believe me?" I have to admit, he does look good in his light blue jeans and white t-shirt contrasting his dark hair and eyes. But I still don't feel anything other than friend vibes.

"Well, to be honest, I thought you might change your mind, but I'm glad you didn't." He then says hi to Maddy before turning to Charlie and saying, "Hello, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Xander. You must be Monroe's friend Charlie." She nods her head and I see her cheeks flush a little. He turns his attention back to me and says, "So, there are a bunch of people looking to start a game. Would you guys be in?" I look to the girls and they both shrug so I say, "yeah, sure, why not?"

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