My Ride or Dies

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*Monroe's POV*

A few hours, some more drinks, and 2 pizzas later, we decide to start getting ready. We decide on outfits first. Maddy tried on every single thing she brought and some of my clothes and then spent ages making me and Charlie her personal barbies until we all agreed on our final outfit choices.

Maddy decided that she loved my tattoos and wanted to show as many of them as possible so I ended up in a very short high waisted black leather skirt and a fitted dark blue lacy crop top with multiple straps that criss-cross at the back. I had to admit, I did look pretty good.

Charlie ended up in an fitted emerald green off the shoulder shirt that brought out the reddish tone in her hair and a pair of black skinny jeans. When she first started trying on clothes, we were both a bit shocked. and I couldn't help but agree when Maddy said, "Damn girl, where have you been hiding this hot body?! You gotta dress up more often!"

Maddy finally decided on a strapless red bustier (which I'm fairly certain was intended to be worn underneath a shirt instead of as a shirt but she pulls it off) paired with black high waisted short shorts to show off her long legs.

We all get to work on our hair. Maddy goes for big dramatic curls and parts it to the side, giving her a very old Hollywood vibe. I straighten and then fishtail braid Charlie's around the side of her head, pulling out bits here and there and curling them at the ends. I loosely curl my hair and then Mady does some sort of intricate braid on the right side of my head so that all my hair falls down my back and to the left side, leaving my right shoulder exposed.

Charlie and I hand our faces completely over to Maddy for the makeup portion since we're both completely clueless. We all end up with a similar look including false eyelashes, smoky eyes and winged liner because according to Maddy, "No bad bitch is complete without a good winged liner." We all have different lip colours: Maddy with a deep crimson, Charlie with a nude colour and mine have a matte mauve shade. Once Maddy is satisfied we stand together and look in the mirror.

"Damn I'm good! We look hot as fuck!" She exclaims.

"Fuck yeah we do!" I say with a big smile.

"You know what this calls for right?" Maddy asks. Charlie and I give her a look of confusion. "A Seflie! Duh."

"Yes, of course," I say with an eye roll.

We spend the next 10 minutes taking selfies from different angles and in different parts of the house until we're satisfied that we have at least a few good ones. Maddy goes through them, deleting the bad ones and finally decides on the best three. "Alright, what's your guys' instas?"

"I don't have one," I say with a shrug. "I deleted all my social media accounts when I changed my name."

"I don't have one either," says Charlie, " I never saw the purpose of having one. Nobody really cares what I do."

Maddy gasps in shock. She points at me and says, "Tonight, you will be making your social media debut as Monroe Thorn. And you," she says, pointing to Charlie, "Now have at least 2 people who care. Now pull out your phones bitches."

15 minutes later both of us have Instagram accounts and Maddy decides that each of us will post a different picture of the three of us and caption it "My ride or dies." It's super cheesy but we agree anyway because she can be very persuasive.

Once our selfies are posted, we realize it's already 9pm. The party was supposed to start at 9, but nobody shows up on time for these things. We call the uber and figure we should get there around 9:30pm. As we wait, I ask Maddy, "Is this a BYOB thing or what?"

"No, no, Mackenzie will have more than enough booze and Xander and Cade will likely be selling weed too."

Charlie gives me a look. Maddy notices it and says, "What? What was that look for?"

Charlie says, "Oh nothing, Monroe and Xander have just been getting awfully close in PE and I warned her about him."

"Ugh, no it's nothing like that. Xander is just a friend," I say, trying to wave it off.

"Why am I just hearing about this now? Xander is basically sex on legs. He's so fucking hot. Honestly their whole group is sexy as fuck."

"You haven't heard about it because it's not a big deal. Like I said he's just a friend, if even that. More like an acquaintance."

Charlie snorts and then says, "Is that why he kept asking you if you were coming to this party all week? Because you're 'just acquaintances'?"

Maddy looks at me and says, "Xander Thompson does not care who goes to what parties. So the fact that he asked you more than once, definitely means there's more to this story."

"Well there isn't. At least not from my point of view." As I say that, the uber pulls up, saving me from this conversation. We decide against heels because we know we'll be standing most of the night. We make it outside and Maddy gives the driver the address and I sit in the back contemplating what she said about Xander. Does he actually have a thing for me? Yeah, sure he's flirtatious, but I have not once gotten anything other than friend vibes from him. Besides, still have this strange, unknown attraction to his best friend so that could get a bit weird. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. 

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