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agnes in westview

AGENT Phil Coulson and Agent Maria Hill walked in sync as they made it to the briefing room where Director Nicholas Fury sat talking to Captain Steve Rogers and Dr. Bruce Banner. Agent Natasha Romanoff sat a few inches away, eyes focused on the computer screen where Agent Clint Barton's picture was shown. Coulson handed Dr. Banner a tablet that showed the most recent gamma signatures while he and Hill explained what they could about the raging lunatic of a God that had a scepter and a cube of theirs that could do wonderful things—terrible, but most certainly wonderful.

Another agent walked forward, whispering something to Hill that had her eyes widen. Fury stopped mid-sentence to look at the woman in curiosity as she immediately walked to the nearest computer.

Clicking play on the video, she watched dumbstruck as the blue streak of light fell from the sky. The person recording ran forward to help, people screaming as the impact of whatever it was was loud and large. In the crater-like hole, the video cut off as soon as the image she wanted to see popped up. For only a split second, she saw a girl—no older than her mid-twenties.

"Sir? We've got a problem," Hill said, moving the video to play on the large monitor.

Captain Rogers stood as Agent Romanoff followed. "What is that? Another Asgardian?" she asked, worry in her tone.

Fury stood as well. "Where is this?"

"Westview," Hill said before adding, "New Jersey. Ten this morning."

"Agent Romanoff, please take Dr. Banner to his lab to get started on the cube. Coulson, take a team and head to New Jersey. Whatever this threat is—"

"How do we know it's a threat?" Steve interrupted the director as Romanoff lead Banner from the briefing room. "It's a young girl, sir."

"If she is from Asgard, we need to assess whether she is of Loki's army," Fury said realistically.

Steve said nothing else as Coulson left.

Agent Coulson gathered a few men, keeping his tablet close as it held every piece of information that they knew of the threat so far. On the Quinjet, he watched the video too many times to count, wondering—if she was a Goddess of sort—why her landing was so rough? She seemed dead.

The flight was quick compared to normally since the threat needed to be assessed quickly. Opening the hanger, he walked out while placing his sunglasses on his face. Pointing at the crater, he ordered the scientist to go see if there were remnants of anything left. He walked into the town as if he owned the place, eyes searching for the man who took the video.

Once he found him in a corner store, he flipped open his badge when the man's hands rose. "Agent Coulson. Are you Mr. Jones?"

"Y-Yeah," he said. "What did I do, man?"

"Nothing," Coulson responded with a smile, taking off his glasses. "I just need to know where the extraterrestrial item that fell from the sky is located."

"Man, it's just a girl," he said with an awkward laugh before realizing he should shut up. "My friend took her to her home down on Robin Ave. The extremely blue house with the pink door—horrible choice, I know, but–"

"Thank you, Mr. Thompson," Coulson cut him off, turning to walk off.

"You ain't going to hurt my friend, are you?"

"No. We just need the girl."

Coulson led his team to the odd-looking house with a frown. The house was really ugly. A pink door? Sighing, he knocked once, keeping his badge out in the open.

When the woman answered the door, he was most surprised to see a dark-haired woman with wide eyes. "Hello? Agent Coulson," she said as she read his badge. "Oh, you're here for the girl. Peachy keen and wonderful."

"Yes, ma'am. And you are?"

"Agnes," the woman said with a mischievous smile. "Right this way." She led them into her odd home, calling out, "Dearie! I've got some people to see you!" She turned as she walked, laughing. "She's been a delight, let me tell you. Very polite. Doesn't know who the devil she is beside her first name. No home. No parents. No memories."

"Her name?" Coulson asked as they made it to the drawing room. He rose a hand to the guards behind him to have them paused so she would not be frightened.

Agnes laughed. "Marlene. Isn't it adorable?" she asked, sitting close to the girl. "Marlene, this is Agent Coulson."

The woman was tan, hair as white as a sheet of paper. Her eyes were grey with specks of blue in them as freckles dotted across her nose. She wore leggings and a large sweatshirt.

"My husband—Ralph—is out at the moment. What can we do for you?" Agnes asked with a grin, rested her arm around Marlene's shoulders.

Coulson laughed awkwardly. "We're here to take Marlene off your hands."

Marlene's eyes widened in fear. "What? Where are you taking me?" she said, and Coulson noticed the Russian accent as clear as day.

"A safe place for now. My director would like to make sure you are safe. Is that okay?" Coulson asked nicely, knowing they would take her either way. She did not seem harmful, so he figured asking was appropriate.

Agnes sighed. "Well, dollface, I guess you have to go with them despite how much fun we've had."

Marlene turned to look at her worriedly. "Thank you," she said kindly before hugging the woman.

Coulson almost could have sworn he saw a flicker of purple twirl through Agnes's fingers as she backed away from the girl. Marlene coughed slightly as she stood. Coulson gestured for Marlene to walk out of the house, and she did so without fight. The guards with guns lowered them as she passed. Coulson walked next to her, leading her to the Quinjet.

She looked at the machine in fear. "We are to fly?" she asked.

"We have to get back to the Helicarrier where the director is waiting," Coulson said as the scientists walked up to him with bags of pixelated sparking cubes. She sighed, walking to the nearest chair.

Bringing her knees up, she rested her cheek on them with a frown.

"She doesn't seem dangerous," one guard said as he walked next to Coulson.

Coulson shook his head. "She knows we're not threats. I have a feeling she is more powerful than we are aware."

Marlene closed her eyes, opening them as she found herself in Coulson's head. She went through his memories of the director he continued to talk about. The guard watched Coulson falter in his words as he paused. When Marlene sucked herself out of his head, her eyes were shining bright blue as the agent stared at her.

"Like I said," Coulson whispered as he watched her eyes dim back into their moody grey, "powerful."

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