“I see.” Evie stands up and shrugs.

“You guys ready?” My mom slips her shoes on. “We have to be at the bus stop in five minutes.

When we get to Charleston, there are balloons everywhere and signs pointing to us to a giant building in the middle of the campus. Emily, Donny and my mom are way ahead of us and I’m holding Evie’s hand.

“This place is beautiful babe,” Evie squeezes my hand. “I’m so excited for you.”

I haven’t stopped smiling since we got here. “Thanks babe. I’m super excit—

A kid bumps into Evie, hard.

“Watch where you’re going, nigger.” The kid smirks and tries to walk off but not before a grab his shoulder and turn him around.

“Excuse me, but that’s my girlfriend you're talking to. I think you owe her an apology.”

The guy looks me up and down and laughs. “Or else? What are you gonna do? Make me into a tamale Mexican boy?”

I get face to face with him. “I’ll beat the crap out of you to start.”

“Tony, don’t.” Evie grabs my arm. “He’s not worth it.”

“You better listen to your little girlfriend back there,” the blonde kid says. He’s a little shorter than me but pretty buff. He looks like some of the kids that go to school on the West Side. I want to punch him in the face so bad.

“Come on babe,” Evie says again. “Everyone is probably waiting for us.” I decide to listen to Evie. I shove the guy with my shoulder and walk with Evie.

“I wanted to hit him so bad,” I say, frustrated.

“I know, babe. But he was stupid and some random guy. He’s not worth risking your time at Charleston.”

“Yeah, I know. And I’m sorry that he said that.”

Evie shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. But thanks for sticking up to me.” Evie wraps her hand around my arm. “It was pretty hot,” she flirts.

“Thanks.” I raise my eyebrows and smile. “I try.”

We get to the main building where they’re getting ready to start the orientation. There’s probably about 1,000 people squeezed in here. Long, rectangular tables are everywhere and they’re covered in white table cloths.

My mom waves at us when we walk inside and we go sit at a table near the front. The table settings have our names. It’s pretty cool. Waiters come out from the kitchen and serve us all with crepes, juice and fruit. We start eating and soon, the presentation starts.

It’s really interesting. The lady speaking is Krystle Fay. She’s the Dean of Admissions and the one that sent my admission letter. For some reason, I expected her to be some blonde-hair, blue-eyed lady but it’s actually a Spanish woman.

She starts the presentation with a welcome and that the brunch is courtesy of current Charleston students. The waiters come back to pick up our plates and hands all the students schedules for the upcoming year. Mine isn’t that bad.

My classes at Charleston don’t start until 1:00 p.m. So that means, I have class at St. Monica ‘til noon. My first class at Charleston is Food Ethics, then I have Hospitality at 2 and I get to choose a final class for 3. I’m actually really excited to start. There’s a bus pass paperclipped to the bottom of my schedule and I read the note underneath it.

This is your transportation to and from Charleston. It covers your travels through the entire school year.

I show it to my mom and she smiles. “Nice mijio.” We listen to the rest of the presentation then get ready for a tour.

“I like this place TT,” Emily says, taking my hand. We’re back outside and following a small group on a tour around the campus.

“Yeah?” I can’t stop smiling. “I like this place too Em.”

The tour is about an hour and after picking my third class, Latin Dishes, we head home. Donny falls asleep on my mom’s shoulder as soon as we get on the bus. Emily is in my lap and Evie is sitting next to me.

“I had so much fun,” she says softly. “Even though it’s not my school.”

I laugh. “I’ll be sure to bring you home leftovers. I’m sure I’ll have a ton.”

“Yes, please.” Evie closes her eyes and I rest my chin on her head the rest of the ride home.

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