Chapter Six:

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Dabi left the money on the table and we walked out the door.

Leaving Hawks to his thoughts.

"Thanks," I said, holding Dabi's hand.

"For what?" He asked, slightly confused.

"For sticking with me" I said, smiling.

I walked back to our apartment going up in the elevator just holding hands in comfortable silence.

I watched him search through his pockets looking of the keys,
I snatched the keys off of him earlier.

I rattled the keys and he rolled his eyes at me.


I unlocked the door and flopped on the couch.

"You think he'll consider it?-"
We both asked at the same time.

I chuckled,
"You first"
I said.

"I'm not sure.. Keigo is a wild card, I'll say that"
Dabi finished, sitting by the window.

I nodded, yawning.

"It's late, we should get some sleep"
I suggested.

He sat on the couch and just held me in his arms.

"Just stay in this moment with me a bit"
He said, I relaxed.

After unintentionally staying there for thirty minutes I fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams, sleep well"
He said,
I could see the small heartwarming smile
on his face before I fell asleep.

I woke up, still in his arms.

I looked to the clock when I realized Dabi was fast asleep.

4:42 AM...

I moved ever so slightly so Dabi was asleep against my chest as I hugged him closer.

I saw one small blue flame rise,
The flame taking the shape of a feather,
as the flame dipped down.

I looked in awe at the flame.
Sometimes his quirk would take the shape of what he was dreaming about.

The feather shaped flame then took the shape of Keigo,
The flame grew in size as it started to look more like Hawks.

The flame Keigo looked at me and winked,
I chuckled.

The Hawks flame disappeared and took the look of me,
I looked into the eyes of the flame copy of me.

Another flame flew up and took the look of Dabi.

The two flame figures kissed before disappearing.

Dabi yawned as he woke up.

"Morning, looks like you had a nice dream"
I said, smiling.

"How'd you know-"
He cut himself off.

"It happened again?"
He asked.

I nodded.

Fascinated how his quirk could show his dreams so accurately.

I kissed his forehead and got up.

"I'll go get breakfast from the bakery down the street"
I said.

"Do you want me to come with you?"
He asked, I knew he wanted to come along with me.

I was going to get him a present,
so I wanted to go alone to surprise him.

"I'll be back quickly, I ordered a few things yesterday so we'd get them before the bakery sold out today."
I said, he nodded.

I kissed his lips and waved goodbye.

"Don't miss me too much,"
I said, before closing the door and heading to the bakery.

I remembered seeing Hawks in his dream,
"Maybe he has a bigger crush on Keigo then he's willing to admit"
I said aloud, quietly.

I picked up three loaves of bread,
two ham and cheese croissants,
and two chocolate croissants.

I brought the bag of baked goods with me to the next shop.

I walked into a bookstore to find the book Dabi had been wanting to get for a while.

Then headed to a painting shop,
the artist running the place was painting by the shop window.

They saw me and let me in the store,
They let me in the store early because I bought their paintings often even when no one else did.

I thought the detail in their landscape paintings were so incredible and the creativity it takes to make one of their paintings is impressive.

I saw a newer painting in the back of the shop.
An abstract painting of Dabi and his blue flames,
usually they put their unfinished paintings in the back of the shop to finish later or avoid.

"It's so pretty,"
I said, they looked at it.

Using their paintbrush to specifically point out the mistakes they made.

In the painting Dabi was looking in the distance,
the blue flames surrounding him with roses to add another colour.

"How much would it cost to buy it?"
I asked, they looked at me not knowing why I wanted it.

"I feel bad that I messed up trying to capture his look in painting form. If you really want it you can have it free, but I don't understand why you'd want it"
They said, honestly.

I pointed out how despite them being able to see flaws it gives the painting beauty, nothing is absolutely perfect and it's our flaws that make us beautiful.

They smiled at my words,
"Oh, I also have another painting I made yesterday"
They said, as they searched for it.

They pulled out another canvas,
"It's a simple rose painting but I thought you might have wanted to see it"
They said.

The painting was gorgeous,
the realistic water droplets on the picturesque red rose petals.

"How long did it take to paint that?"
I asked, amazed.

"All of last night, but it was fun to paint"
They admitted.

"If you're willing to sell it make sure you keep my name at the top of the list"
I said,
I knew it'd look really pretty by the living room wall where I hung the rest of their paintings to see.

"I will,"
They said, smiling.

They said I could have the Dabi painting so I brought it with me.

They insisted I shouldn't have to pay for it because of its flaws,
but I still left money for them with a note.
Telling them not to undercharge of their paintings because they're worth much more.

I brought everything back to the apartment and went to see Dabi again.

.Hawks x Male!Reader x Dabi.Where stories live. Discover now