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I walked out with my schedule and a time to pick up my OWN uniforms. "What class are you in?" Nezzy asked as she pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on, putting her phone away. "Class 3-2" I replied as she started walking to the stairs. "That's the same class as Tendou. Ushijima and I are in class 3-3 next to yours. Since it's the first day for everyone, you can choose where you sit. Here we are" She said as she opened the door to a class on the third floor.


"I'm telling you, Wakatoshi-kun! There's something wrong with her! She was outside at the dumpsters at 1 in the morning last night! She's a freak! There were stains on her sleeves that looked like blood! Wakatoshi she's a killer! Think about it! When we first saw her, she was going to the dumpsters. And then she suggested an anime about KILLING! That can't just be a coincidence, Wakatoshi" Tendou ranted to Ushiwaka who was currently in Tendou's classroom. Tendou was waving his arms around trying to illustrate what he was saying. "AND THEN SHE STOPPED IN FRONT OF THE HORSES ON HER WAY BACK TO HER DORM! Wakatoshi-kun, she's going to murder the principal and teachers and then ESCAPE ON A HORSE" Tendou finished, draping himself over a desk as Ushiwaka sighed.

"Tendou, she's not a-" He was cut off from a sudden noise at the door. The boys turned to face the door as y/n ran off, choking back a sob as Nerezza stood frozen. "NEZZY-CHAN! SHE DIDN'T KILL YOU! I'M SO HAPPY!" Tendou yelled, running to hug said girl. Nerezza lifted her arm and slapped Tendou across the face, making him stop. "YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT!?!" Nerezza yelled before running off after y/n. Tendou rubbed his cheek before turning to Ushiwaka.

"She hits hard but why would she defend y/n unless..... WAKATOSHI, THEY'RE WORKING TOGETHER AND NOW THEY'RE GOING TO KI-" "Tendou. If you say they are going to kill you or anyone else, I will have coach bench you in the finals and when we face Aoba Johsai. We have both known Nerezza-san for six years now and you what her family is like." Tendou cut off Ushiwaka, saying, "her family situation is what makes it plausible" "Tendou, Nerezza can barely harm a fly but you dug too deep into her. That's why she slapped you. L/n-san just moved here and we are supposed to be welcoming. Not starting rumors on someone we have only spoken to twice. Grow up" Ushijima said, leaving Tendou in his classroom and going to his.

⭐Nerezza POV⭐

After Tendou had said that, I had gotten flashbacks of my family. That's why I slapped him. Because I know how it feels to be suspected as a killer. I ran down the hallway after y/n and paused in front of the bathroom door to catch my breath. I knocked on the door before slowly walking in. "Y/n?" I called out in a hushed voice. I heard sniffling in the very last stall and walked towards it. I knocked on the stall door and kept quiet for a response. "Go away" I could tell she was crying and I wanted to help her. "Y/n," Her breath hitched as I said that but I continued.

"I want you to know that I don't believe what Tendou-kun said. Do you-" "GO AWAY" she yelled, cutting me off as I took a step back. "Ok. You can always talk to me. I'm here for you." I said as I left and walked to my classroom, sitting down by Ushijima as he started apologizing for Tendou's actions.

⭐your POV⭐

After I heard Tendou, I felt tears run down my cheeks. I choked back a sob as Tendou and Ushiwaka turned to me and Nezzy. I bolted off down the hallway to where the bathroom was. I locked the stall door and pulled a knife out of one of my books, pulling the cover off the blade. I took my shirt off so I wouldn't get blood on it. I took the bandages off my arms and threw them away. Nerezza knocked and then came into the bathroom and called out for me quietly. I tried to stay quiet but I couldn't. I sniffled and pressed the blade against my skin, sliding it across my arm.


Nerezza knocked on the stall door. "Go away" I told her, dragging the knife along my arm again.


"Y/n" I slid the knife across the other 2 cuts, connecting them as my breath hitched from the pain.


"I want you to know that I don't believe what Tendou-kun said. Do you-" I cut her off by yelling "GO AWAY" And I could tell she took a step back. I slid the knife across my arm again, blood dripping on the floor and all over my arm, Nerezza thankfully not noticing.


"Ok. You can always talk to me. I'm here for you." She said as she left. "No one is ever here for me. No one." I whispered, sliding the knife across my arm one last time.


I opened the stall door and locked the bathroom door. Alone. That's all I've ever been. I turned on one of the faucets, holding my arm under the water. I grabbed a towel, gauze pads, antiseptic, and more wrap from my bag. I dried off my arm, applied antiseptic to my fresh cuts to hold the gauze in place and to make sure it didn't get infected. I wrapped my arms and made sure I wasn't bleeding through. I wiped up the blood on the floor in the stall I was in and washed off my knife, putting the cover back on it. I pulled out my books and put the knife in one as I took out painkillers from the other. I took 4. A double dose but at least I wouldn't be able to feel the pain. I put my shirt back on and put my bag on my shoulders. I really just wanted to sluff but I couldn't. That would make Tendou more suspicious and I can't have him snooping through my life.

I gathered all my stuff and left the bathroom. I checked my phone and groaned. "School started 30 minutes ago. Great. This day is going swell," I started walking to my class. "First, getting woke up. Second, Nerezza using me as a doll for hair and makeup like my mom used to, bringing back painful memories. Third, the principal ordering me uniforms." I walked into the class, not paying attention to the teacher that was trying to get my attention, still mumbling to myself. I found my way to an empty seat by a window. "Fourth, finding out I'm in the same class as one of the idiots from last night. Fifth, finding out that someone was indeed watching me last night and it was Tendou to make it worse. Sixth, Tendou calling me a fucking killer" I pulled out a notebook, still talking to myself.

"Seventh, Nerezza almost catching me. Eighth, being late to class. Ninth-" "Y/N L/N WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING AND PAY ATTENTION! YOUR ALREADY HALF AN HOUR LATE!" The teacher screamed, making me flinch as the class started laughing. I nodded and looked to the left where I thought the window was.

Hell no

I thought I had sat by the window but I was a row closer to the door than I thought I sat. Tendou Satori, the devil himself, was sitting in the seat I thought I had sat in. And he was staring at me. I groaned and slammed my head on the desk repeatedly, my eyes closed.

I stopped when I hit something soft instead of my hard desk. I openedy eyes and saw a jacket. "Thank you, Tendou. Y/n please wait outside the classroom" The teacher said as I brushed Tendou's jacket on the floor, stepping on it as I made my way outside the class with my bag still on.

I slid down the wall and pulled out my headphones  plugging them in and listening to music while I waited. Or I could just go back to my dorm for the day. Or I could attempt texting my cousin who was currently living with his boyfriend

My aunt and uncle moved to Tokyo from Miyagi for me when the accident happened. My cousin, their son, didn't want to leave his boyfriend so he moved in with him. I can't remember what school he goes to but if I remember right, he plays volleyball. Moms favorite sport. My cousin is really the only one I talk to and he's the only one that knows about my depression. He's kind of like my therapist. He doesn't know that I harm myself though. If he did, he would make me transfer to his school, he wouldn't take his eyes off of me, and he would tell a professional. And I couldn't have that happening

Where are you, Haji-san? I need you.........

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