"Wet again huh" he chuckled and stared down at the mess i made. The water spreaded everywhere on the black sofa as well as the floor, the table and of course his shirt and pants. "I'm so sorry" i apologised but quickly went into silent mode as he started to undress his shirt. Here we were once again. He was half naked and i had to keep reminding myself that we couldn't be more than friends. I knew very well that he watched my reaction particularly close and that didn't make it any better. He was facing me and his toned abs were in the best position, basically served on a silver tablet, emphasised by the lustrous moonlight. I was this close to extend my arm and touch them but luckily he spoke before i could move. He walked towards the kitchen to get a cloth so he could clean the mess. It had to be now or never i thought "Jeno" i impulsively dropped and regretted it the second after, but he had already turned around so i was forced to continue speaking. My throat turned dangerously dry but i managed to stutter "i will get one, go get changed" while i stood up to get a cloth. But he didn't move. He halted in the kitchen door and examined every single move i made. His eyes basically burned holes in my skin as he scanned me up and down. As i was already half way past him, his arm suddenly snapped out and grabbed my wrist. I felt his rings, the cold metal that gave me goosebumps and immediately made me feel more insecure. He pinned me to the door frame and held me exactly where he wanted me to be. 

He let his thumb run over my lips and i was so desperate for his touch that i almost whimpered. Before he could do anything else i fought his strong grip. He had control and i didn't like that. He didn't have the right to touch me, yet. "What about the sofa? Shall i get the cloth now?" i whispered, head turned to the side, exposing the left side of my neck. Something about my words made him realise what he was doing and he unwillingly let go of my hands. I used the short span of time to hush to the sink where a purple cloth hang. 

As i came back to the living room, Jeno was nowhere to be seen. He probably went to go change into dry clothes. I didn't have a lot of time because the puddle of water already dripped down to the floor so i hurried and cleaned it up. After that proceeded to search through Netflix while i waited for him to comeback. As soon as he entered the room again i tensed up a bit, i already had a feeling that i wouldn't be able to contain my emotions and he was giving me a hard time just by existing. I noticed that he didn't change, he still wore the same pants and no shirt. He could've at least made this bearable for me. He smiled but it wasn't that innocent smile i knew from him. It was more of a cheeky smile, it looked like he has had the best idea and he desperately wanted to show me. "Whats up" i asked, barely looking at him while i spoke because i was still focused on the TV. "Come here" he said, excitement filling is voice. My gaze now found his and i furrowed my brows while i turned the TV off. "Oh c'mon you'll only find out if you follow me" he laughed as he noticed me hesitating. 

I enjoyed the undefined tension that held sway between us. His warm hand found my own, cold one and he stroked my forearm, silently asking for consent to hold my hand. His hand felt good in mine. The warmth helped to recover from the cold that had crept up in my body back in the living room as i was waiting for him. Our fingers automatically intervined and he pulled me towards his bedroom. As we arrived there we were greeted by red Led lights. Yes you heard me correct red led lights. "Is this my shirt btw" he asked while a short giggle left his mouth "You look good in it, ignoring the fact that it rides up your thigh most of the time" he added under his breath. I ignored his side comment and looked around the room, trying to figure out why he brought me here. I turned back around to face him and ask why we were here but he shhed me by taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. I fell silent, because the tension rose. I felt nervous because i now got what he wanted. The red lights, the compliment. I think he noticed that i slowly catched up and halted, his eyes searching for mine "Are you okay with it?" he asked politely. Solely that made me nod. (A man with manners? yes please) He chuckled and kissed my hand once again. 

The wall was not far away and seconds later i felt it strong, unyielding against my back. His lips found my neck and eventually my sweet spot. The waves of bliss filled my body. Its been a lot of months without pleasure so he had a small advantage. However, i didn't want this to be easy for him so i bit back my moans. His soft lips nuzzled against my exposed neck and he held the strains of hair back, that were in his way. Hands all over my body, he continued to cover my neck in butterfly kisses and as he arrived at my ear he whispered "First one to make a noise looses" I chuckled, finally loosening up a bit. "That's right, just relax" i heard him praising me and i decided to take turns now. Slowly but thoughtful, i traced his abs and watched him slightly wind under my finger. I kissed his lower belly, right above the belt and he laughed as he whispered "i'm ticklish". That's when i realised, that this whole situation was not meant to be focused on pleasure. It was more of a get to know each other better, the first attempts of intimacy that we went for. He was being sincere about it and that helped me loosen up.

"Y/N" he whispered and i looked up to him. He gently lifted my chin and made me come up to his eye level. His eyes scanned my facial features and i could see pure admiration in them. "I want to kiss you" he breathed, the air fanning my face. "Then do it" i said without hesitation. In that moment i forgot the past. His aura overshadowed the last three months of pain and grief in that specific moment, everything that mattered was the gentle touch and the love he gave me. the love that i had been missing out on for so many days, hours. The love that my heart longed for. He was showing me pure honesty. The moment his lips met mine the world melted. His scent filled my nose and i could feel his touch with every nerve of my skin. It left a light tickle and from where his fingers came in contact with my skin, warmth spreaded into my body. Our lips moved in sync almost as if they were meant for each other and just waited for their reunion. It was noting more than a normal kiss, no tongue, no danger that it could lead into a make out session. Just the pure feeling of sharing this very personal moment. I pulled back catching my breath. The flavour of his lip balm remained on my lips and i held my eyes closed for a second processing the new experience. 

I smiled into nothing as i realised what we did. The long upheld wall was destroyed. Now it was officially more than a friendship, it felt right. "What are we now?" he asked, a chuckle resonating in his question indicating that the question was more or less rhetoric. 

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