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"This is a punishable act, you know? Locking people out of bathrooms qualifies for some serious fines and whatnot." Harry said teasingly from the other side of the door once I had locked it. I opened the door again and smirked at him.

"Then punish me why don't you?" I said, giving him a wink before closing the door on him and locking it again. I heard him chuckle and call me a 'cheeky bastard' before walking off. I laughed to myself. He really had me hooked.

I took a quick shower and then got dressed in Harry's room before walking out to find him. I didn't have to go very far because he was coming into his room as I was going out.

"Oh, you're done." He said, sounding very nonchalant.

"Yeah, a while ago I was---"
He silenced me by pressing his lips to mine in a gentle kiss that only lasted a few seconds. He pulled back and then looked into my eyes.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Well, firstly to get you to stop talking." he laughed. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, okay, thanks."

"But also just to tell you that you're in trouble. I'm going to have to ask you to go back into the room, Mr. Tomlinson." he told me. I couldn't hold back my smile. He was such an idiot. I loved it.

"Whatever you say, Harry." I laughed.

"It's Mr. Styles as of right now." he joked, keeping his voice deep which made it a bit raspy. I smiled, but he was maintaining his character.

"That's definitely not hot in the slightest." I laughed, starting to walk backward. Harry shook his head.

"No talking." he said, starting to laugh.

"I'm sorry."

"Louis!" he laughed. He put a finger over my lips and leaned close. He took his finger away and then I noticed him glance down at my lips. I licked them out of habit and he smirked. "I said no talking. It's hard to kiss you if you keep talking." he told me, looking into my eyes.

"Sorry, Hazza." I whispered, never looking away from him. He rolled his eyes and that made me laugh. He silenced my laughter by kissing me again, keeping it soft and slow for now. I melted into the kiss and he placed both hands on my waist. I ran my hands into his hair and tangled my fingers in his curls. He pulled me against him more and I smiled into the kiss, knowing that him doing that meant that he was in a mood. I pulled away once I realized something though.

"Everyone's home." I whispered breathlessly, holding him back from kissing me. He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, I want to right now."

"Right now?"

"If I just said that, I think I mean right now, Lou." he laughed. Demanding. I like it.

Harry pulled his shirt over his head before walking me back into the wall and kissing me hard. I got chills when his hands slid under my shirt and to the small of my back. He bit my lip and I tried not to react too much. I didn't do too well though.
He started to trail kisses down to my neck and he started to make a love bite. I took a shaky breath and---

"Harry, mom said---oh..."
Harry pulled back and then just went and threw himself on the bed. I almost laughed at his reaction to being interrupted again. He was such a child sometimes. I loved it though.

"Harry, I'm sorry..." Gemma laughed.

"Leave me alone to plan your death." he mumbled.


"If you leave now, I'll make it a silent death."
I laughed. Harry wouldn't hurt Gemma. But this was extremely entertaining. He was really aggravated by this.

"Yeah, okay."

"I am gonna stomp you."

"I told you to make a sign." she laughed.

Harry got up and started to chase her around the house. I just went into the living room and waited for them to run in and ruin the peace.

"MOM, HARRY'S CHASING ME, TELL HIM TO STOP!" Gemma yelled. Then they came into the living room and Gemma grabbed a pillow. I just watched this and waited for Anne to come in and say something.

"Mom was calling you!"

"You don't know how to knock?"

"Why are you mad?"
Harry stopped and gave her a look that was saying 'what the fuck?' and then he grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. It hit her right in the face and I almost laughed. She just threw one back.

"What is going on in here and why are you throwing pillows around?" Anne interrupted. We all looked at her and Harry and Gemma started talking over each other. If Anne wasn't getting a headache from these two, then I was getting a headache big enough for the both of us.

"Oh my God, shut up!" I yelled. They both looked at me and I gave them a look. "Yes, both of you. Jesus Christ, you're both so annoying sometimes..."

"Hi Louis." Anne said. I smiled and waved.


"Mom she interrupted us." Harry whined. "This is the second time I've been interrupted."

"Isn't that just terrible. I'm sorry she is ruining your life Harry."

"I know, this is ridiculous!"
I laughed at the fact that he didn't catch onto her sarcasm. He looked at me and I tried to stop laughing. Then Anne said something that made me stop laughing.

"I was calling you because Management wants to talk to you guys. You two and the rest of you guys. They called and said they're expecting you in two hours."
I felt my face get hot. I instantly thought of Eleanor for some reason. I ran to Harry's room and grabbed my phone, finding her number and calling it. It rang a few times.

"Louis, hi." She answered sweetly.

"Did you say anything?" I asked.


"Did you say anything to Management?"

"Of course I didn't. We went over this. I'll play my part and we don't speak of it to anyone else, right?"

"They want to talk to us and the other guys."

"Don't act guilty, Jesus Louis..."

"What could they want?"

"I dunno, talk about your next album maybe? I don't know. All I know is that I haven't said anything to anyone."

"Alright." I sighed.



"Talk to you soon, Lou." She told me.

"Alright, El."
I hung up and looked to see Harry standing in the doorway.

"Who was that?" he asked. He started to walk towards the bed and then he sat down.

"Oh, just Eleanor." I said with a shrug as I took a seat beside him. I didn't feel a need to go into much detail about it.

"What did she want?"

"I called her." I admitted. He tensed up a bit.

"Why? You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just making sure of some things is all..."

"You sure?"


"Alright, well, I'm going to get ready so we can go." He said, placing his hand on my thigh. I smiled and nodded and he got up.
Lets hope this goes well.

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