"Well, well, isn't that an unexpected familiar face we have there, right, Kurogiri?" a raspy voice was heard.

As if paralyzed, you stared at the man that had just spoken and was approaching all of you with his subordinates. You gulped as you blinked a few times, hoping that that would make him magically disappear. It didn't.

Tomura Shigaraki, along with the rest of the League of Villains, were standing a few feet away from you and your class.

"How have you been, Y/n? I see you've come to UA. You wanna be a hero?" he added, with a disgusting mocking voice.

At that comment, the entirety of class 1A was looking in your direction, some of them confused, while others worried.

Like instinct, and because he was coincidentally next to you, Todoroki put arm on your shoulder, slightly shoving you behind him.

He didn't know why he felt the need to do it. But that wasn't important now.

Villains were attacking. It seemed real, since both Aizawa and Thirteen looked almost as surprised and scared as the students.

They needed to get out of this first, and then Todoroki could wonder about anything else.

You all saw Aizawa run forward, attacking some of the villains, while still yelling at thirteen to get you and your classmates out of there.

There wasn't time for that to be done though, as a black portal-like thing appeared in front of you, with purple sparks occasionally showing.

"Hi there, little heroes. You surely didn't expect this to be happening on your wonderful training camp, did you?" you looked up as Kurogiri spoke, looking mostly in your direction.

His voice sent a shiver down your spine as your eyes were concentrated on him, afraid that if you took them away for even a second, he would do something to someone.

The same black portal appeared under your class' feet, all of them scared and wondering what was going on.

A knot formed into your throat as you recognized that feeling; the feeling of being dragged away, without having the ability to do anything to protect yourself, or the others around you.

Todoroki glanced back at you. He was surprised as well, but seeing the look on your face surprised him even more.

You were more serious than usual, your brows were furrowed. Your face was pale too. Your fists were clenched, slightly trembling.

Why did you... know those people? Those villains.

"Oh, forgot to mention, we are the League of Villains, make sure to remember that" Kurogiri added as all of you began syncing into the portal, darkness surrounding you.


You had always hated darkness. It scared you.

Made you think that the only thing around you was pitch-black nothingness. Like you had stopped existing, and were now just floating away, to who knows where; with no one to save you, no one to help you. No one near.

It made you feel alone.

Like everyone had abandoned you. Like you didn't matter to anyone.

Some people like living like that -it makes them feel calm, like they can sort out their thoughts better- not you though.

You were afraid of being left alone. Of that feeling that there wasn't a single soul in the world that cared about you -that needed you.

(Never) forget youKde ÅŸijí příběhy. Začni objevovat