Once upon a wizarding world Part 42

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Rey POV 

What the hell was going on!

He just wouldn't move and he most defiantly did have his hand on my waist. I didn't know what to do it was like he was frozen or something. My mind was going 350mph at this point and all I thought of was to grab his hand. The one on my waist as if to remind him of what was going on. That seemed to do the trick alright. I don't think I have ever seen someone move so fast in my life not even in quidditch. 

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the situation we had found ourselves in. I couldn't believe I had ran into him. Then I remembered why I was running in the first place. Just as he was going to have an angry outburst at me I grabbed his hand again and ran toward Leia's office.

"Hey nerd let go of my hand will you!!!" He yelled

"Hey nerd let go of my hand will you!!!" He yelled

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"No! We are even more late now." 

"I can run you don't need to hold my hand."

"NO because you will probably decided its too late and go back to the Slytherin dorms and I'm not going to let you disappoint Leia." I rebuked.

Before he could reply we both barged through into Leia's office. As soon as we were through the door everyone stopped talking to stare at us. Leia raised her eye brows at us and that's when I realised I was still holding Kylo's hand. I dropped it immediately like hot cold and apologised for being late. I was mortified Leia probably thought that we were late because we were making out or something!

Kylo POV

Of course it was Rey. I was so into my thoughts I must have been staring at her for ages. When I felt her grip my hand that was on her waist I jumped so badly. I practically pounced off her. Her cheeks flushed and I looked down at my feet. What on earth was happening?!

Then she suddenly grabbed my hand again. I was going to pull away when she began to run. I stumbled on my feet trying to keep up with her. She was a surprisingly fast runner for someone so small. I began to yell at her but she wouldn't let go of my hand. Just as I was about to forcible move my hand from hers I was being shoved into my mothers office. Me and the muggle both flushed bright red at my mothers questioning glance. I didn't even bother to reply I just joined the line of contestants near Fleur. 

Rey squished herself in besides Viktor and I couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at her

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Rey squished herself in besides Viktor and I couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at her. When we came in together he looked positively murderous. Now he was just staring at her. I get serious creepy vibes from him. 

Anyways after our grand entrance my mother began to talk about our task.

"Your 2nd task will be taking place this weekend...."

Oh for the love of Merlin !!!!!!!!!


Its early the task is being moved to this weekend not next! This gives me even less time to figure out that golden egg thing. I need to work it out other wise I'm done for in preparing for this tournament. This is a nightmare and the looks on everyone's faces confirm that! However I couldn't help but notice that Viktor didn't look so helpless as the rest of us which means I have some investigating to do.

For the past 3 days I have been trying to find out what Viktor knows. I have asked everyone that  can trust things about the suspicious activity however Rose just believes that Krum simply has a crush on me which is prosperous. Anyways last night Fleur came over to me and said that I would find the answer to the egg in the prefects bathroom of all places. I don't know why she is helping me therefore I'm very suspicious. However it is my only hope at this point so I'm gonna do it. 

The bathroom was deserted as I went in late

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The bathroom was deserted as I went in late. I hope I don't get caught heading back to Gryffindor tower. Anyways I brought the egg with me and Fleur mentioned putting it in water so off I went into the bath. I sincerely hope nobody walks. However I'm wearing a one piece swimsuit just in case.

Kylo POV

Why on earth didn't my mother bother to tell that she was moving the task to this weekend?!

I still have that stupid golden trip hazard in my dorm. I'm not in the mood at all and I swear if Hux even tries to snark about it again I will hex his hair off. I have been trying to open that thing since I got it and it's turning into a massive headache. 

Today I notice Fleur talking to Rey and of course I was intrigued. I wonder if she has managed to get her egg to open up yet. She look positively ecstatic at whatever the blonde said and ran off which left me puzzled.

I have just seen Rey actually, leaving the Gryffindor tower with her golden egg, which is still closed by the way. I wasn't being weird I was actually heading to the kitchens to sneak some food off the elves. But ok I did follow her when I saw she had her egg with her.

I'm confused as to why she has gone into the prefects bathroom

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I'm confused as to why she has gone into the prefects bathroom. I'm contemplating going back to my dorm and getting my egg if she is opening hers I could watch her and know what to do. However I might miss seeing how to open it. After a few minutes of contemplating I enter the prefects bathroom silently of course!

That's when I see her sitting beneath a mass of bubbles with an opened golden egg. All you needed was to submerge it in water! That's a bit stupid. Anyways that was when I realised what I had basically done.

I walked in on the Mudblood...

Once upon a wizarding world (Reylo)Where stories live. Discover now