34: Played With Fire&Ice

Start from the beginning

Xiao Zhan took Wang Yibo's hand and held him back to the chair and sat him down, then he sat on his labs comfortably. "We can begin. I don't want to miss out the fun as well" he said and placed a kiss on Wang Yibo's lips before turning back to the victims. His eyes hardened as they landed on Taio who was bleeding from his thighs while crying in agnoy, Xiao Zhan stared at him, he didn't feel any commiseration none sympathy, he only felt resentment, execration and inflamed. The more he stared at him, the more his face and gazed hardened, the more he realized how simpleton and exploitable he was, trusting anyone from this cruel world.

He scoffed internally, So preposterous...

He tilted his head. "Let me guess, he is the mastermind behind my kidnapping" Xiao Zhan articulated cold-blooded, nearly sending shivers down Wang Yibo's spine.

"Xiao Zhan, I can ex-explain...!" Taio blabbered, sweats dripping from his forehead and his throat making a gulping sound.

"Explain what, explain the fact that you sent those men after me just so you could save me and I would believe you were a kind man helping an helpless soul!" Xiao Zhan suddenly raised his voice, making most around him jerk in fright.

"It's not his fault you are stupid enough to fall for our little tricks, your denseness made you lose your child, deal with it, don't blame us for you imbecility!" Zoe spat but Zhan smirked, his eyes suddenly displaying madness as he slowly rised from Wang Yibo's labs, went over to the little table that had all kinds of torturing tools, he picked one up, twisting it between his fingers, he slowly advanced towards Zoe and smirked, the woman eye's widened in horror, he took slow steps towards her.

"What, don't tell me you are scared now, keep talking. Yes, you are right. I was stupid, naive and too innocent to know how the world was like but what right did you have to come into my life and ruin it for me" he was now standing before her, hovering over her in the chair, their faces only inches apart. "But thank you, thank you for coming into my life and make me see how blinded I was. But trust me, I just turned ice" before anyone could blink, he stabbed her on her upper breast and pulled the dagger out while she screamed in pain as blood came out from beside her neck. Xiao Zhan threw the bloody knife on the floor.

"Why don't you just kill me!" Zoe screamed wailing in pains.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. "No, I can't let you die yet. I am going to ruin you just as you have ruined me, make you feel what I felt when I lost my child, make you wish you were dead but death will be far away from you"

"You are sick!" Taio spat with widened and fearful eyes.

Xiao Zhan sharply turned to him and smirked. "Trust me, I love being sick, I love being frozen, ice, frosty, I love this new me and you are going to have a taste of it"

"Okay, that's enough" Wang Yibo stood and grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist and pulled him back but Xiao Zhan pouted, the harshness and frosty look disappeared from his eyes instantly.

"But babe, I haven't even started yet. It's not fun" he pouted cutely, Wang Yibo couldn't look away, wondering if it was the same person.

"No, you had enough fun" Wang Yibo said dismissingly.

Xiao Zhan sighed defeated. "Fine, just a mood killer. But can I come back later" he smiled brightly, just like the old Xiao Zhan but different, this Xiao Zhan was darker and manipulative.

"No, you are not coming back. I won't let you come back here. Come!" Wang Yibo ordered and dragged him out from his basement to the main floors of his mansion. Getting to the sitting room, Wang Yibo let go of his wrist.

Xiao Zhan crossed his hands over his chest. "You don't have to be so serious Wang Yibo, what I did to her was nothing compared to what you would do"

Wang Yibo shook his head. "This is not you"

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes. "So what, the old me died the day I lost my child and I won't rest till all those among are six feet beneath my feet. If you are fire than am ice but am much colder" he turned to leave but he suddenly remembered something as he turned back to Wang Yibo.

"What is it?" Wang Yibo asked, noticing the other's sudden stop.

"Where is Jiyang...?"


Ok-ay, who is liking the new Xiao Zhan because I don't, cute and loving Xiao Zhan is much better but I promise you, we'll get him back even if it's the last thing I do...

The old Xiao Zhan must return...!

Before that, let's continue.

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