1 Hey they are ours

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Today was Dudleys birthday and we were going to the reptile house. I was in my room getting ready when I heard my cousin burst out of his room run partly down the stairs but then went back up them a little and started jumping as well as yelling "hurry up potter get up" "Leave him alone!" I said and he instantly stopped jumping as he was scared of me because I was the favorite child and I got everything I wanted from my aunt and uncle.

 Whenever Dudley was annoying harry when they were not in the room I would always say he was annoying me and he got it trouble so he only annoys harry when I am not around. When Harry was coming out of the cupboard under the stairs Dudley pushed him back in and closed the door "AUNT PETUNIA DUDLEY PUSHED ME" I yelled because of what he did, my aunt rushed in and said "Dudley why would you do that to our little angel! Are you ok darling, are you hurts at all?" " My bottom hurts" and with that I started to fake cry. She hugged me and said that Dudley would lose some of his presents. When Aunt Petunia had left the room i helped harry up and we both just started giggling. All three of us went into the kitchen and harry was ordered to make breakfast. My aunt and uncle were still a little mad at Dudley for 'pushing me' but seeing it was his birthday they still wanted him to be happy.

 After we had breakfast we got ready to go to the reptile house. As i got into the car I saw Uncle Vernon pull harry aside and tell him is there was any funny business he would got no meals for a week. The drive there was silent except for the music playing in the car. When we were inside dudley was NOT impressed "move come on MOVE" He half shouted as he banged on the glass of a snakes enclosure "He is sleeping" me and harry happened to say in unison. "He is boring that's what he is" after he said that he moved onto the next reptile. "sorry about him he doesn't understand what it is like" "laying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you" Harry said and I finished but what was odd was that the snaked winked at us "Can you hear us!?"we say in unison as the snake nods it's head "it's just we have never talked to a snake before" "Do you.....I mean do you talk to people often?" it shakes it's head no to my question "Your from Barmar Aren't you?" "Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?" the snakes looks over to a sign that reads "Bred in captivity" "we see that's us as well" "We never knew our parents either" "MUMMY DAD COME HERE MOVE DO YOU SEE WHAT THE SNAKE IS DOING" Dudley shouted as he pushed me and harry to the floor and pushing against the glass. Harry glared at Dudley while I glared at the glass and suddenly it disappeared and Dudley fell in the snakes enclosure. Harry and i both looked at each other and giggled before looking back at the snake as it came out of it's enclosure. Harry was scared but i thought it was pretty cool. When it was on the ground it looked at me and harry then we both heard it saw "thanks" "Any time!" we both say as it slither's away. People jump out of it's way screaming snake.

when Dudley tries to get out of the enclosure he goes to get out but realizes the glass is back "MUM MUMMY" he screams for aunt Petunia. When she sees Dudley sucks she screams to. Me and harry both just start laughing at the 2 idiot but I stop as soon as I see Uncle Vernon turn his head to look at us or more like harry. Once he was fully looking at Harry I put a worried, Concerned and annoyed look on my face so I didn't get in trouble but Harry wasn't so lucky. He couldn't change his emotion in time and uncle Vernon saw him laughing.

 When We got home and got inside aunt Petunia got Dudley straight to the fire place to warm him up seeing he was freezing, uncle Vernon let me walk inside then pulled harry by the top of his shirt inside then pulled his hair roughly as harry winched in pain so did I was we an feel the same pain we had been able to since we were babies. Uncle Vernon asked harry what happened but he insisted that he didn't know and that the glass was there one minute and the next it was got that it was like magic. But it was true Harry didn't know what happened as I was the one that made the glass disappear to make Dudley fall in and to free the snake. When Harry finished talking uncle Vernon pushed him into the cupboard, closed the door, locked it, said there was no such thing as magic and closed the little hatch on the door.

Dudley was trying on his new school uniform I was going to the same school as Dudley but harry was going to our old school. The school me and Dudley were going to a private school and had a strict uniform policy where girls had to wear a dress for a top and skirt with the top tucked into the skirt tightly. While Dudley was getting his photos taken i saw a bird that looked like an owl  fly by with something that looked like two letters in its talons. The owl dropped the letter and it looked as if they went into our letter slot and I heard it open to so I was right the bird dropped the letters into our mail slot Harry asked if he would have to wear that to and all four of us just looked at him and laughed, my laugh was faked because he was my brother and I loved him. "Don't be so stupid you are going to the state school where you belong! so this is what you are going to be wearing when I have finished dying it" "But that's Dudleys old uniform it will fit me like and old elephants skin!" "it will fit you well enough go get the post GO!" She ordered him. As Harry collected the mail and walked back to where we were he handed me a letter and gave the rest to uncle Vernon but one he kept hold of. Dudley snatch the letter from mine and Harry's hands "DAD LOOK Harry an Y/N got a letter" "hey give them back there ours" "Give Y/N hers Dudley but give me Harry's any way's who would be writing to you!" he said with a chuckle. As he looked over the letter he looked at aunt Petunia then back at a letter then to harry with a socked emotion. He then looked at me as I showed him my letter it was almost the same just a different place in the house and my name instead of his.

Over the next few days i kept seeing owls at our house with the same things as the first owl they all kept giving the same letters to me and Harry. Uncle Vernon would always find a new way to destroy Harry's but he would always give me mine. It got to the point that Uncle Vernon put a plank of wood over the mail slot so no more mail could come through it. I felt to sorry for Harry I kept all my letters but never read then till harry could read his. The owls just kept on coming and coming they never seemed to stop. Somehow when aunt Petunia was cooking mine and Harry's 'Hogwarts: witchcraft and wizardry' letters were in there Her screams could be heard from my room and i was just laughing my head off at them. One day me and Harry went into the lounge room to see uncle Vernon burning Harry's letter. "Finally Sunday! In my opinion best day of the week why is that Dudley?" He askes "Because there is no post on Sundays" me and harry say in unison, "Right you are Y/N! No post on Sundays HA not a single blasted letter! No sir no letters today!" he kept ranting on about how there were not letters today. I was annoyed that he just said that in was right when Harry said it to but we both just looked at the window and I think we both saw the same thing as we both walked to the window and moved the curtains to reveal a whole parliament (group) of owls outside. We both looked at each other as to say Are you thinking was I am thinking. We both just nod at each other and then see to letter fly in and hit uncle Vernon in the face. the house starts to shake as me and Harry get into our spots ready to try and catch some of the letters that would fly in. We heard Dudley Scream and cry "MAKE IT STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" and me and harry just laughed at they reactions as well as trying to catch the letters. Uncle Vernon chased harry to the cupboard and jumped on him trying to get the letter. He had Finally had enough and just broke "THATS IT WE ARE GOING AWAY FAR AWAY WHERE THEY CAN'T FIND US" "daddies gone mad hasn't he" cried Dudley and there was no response.

We had moved onto a tiny island with a small house on it. Dudley had to sleep on the lounge and me and harry had to sleep on the floor. It was our birthday and our aunt and uncle didn't even 11th get me any present or a cake there favorite 'child' so we just drew a birthday cake in the extremely dusty floor and waited for Dudley watch to beep to say it was mid night so we could 'blow out the candles'. "Happy birthday Harry" "Happy birthday Y/N" we said to each other then we said "make a wish" in unison and giggled finally blowing away the dust cake.

Word count: 1744

I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if it is to long i don't really like chapters that are to short as i like to read them at my school and i can't go onto the next chapter as my school does have internet but it doesn't allow me to use this properly

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