chapter 4

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in the dimensional void death and turn a are about to head out to get the people on their list when suddenly multiple sirens and mobile suits appear

Death: how tiresome

his clothing changes into a battle cloak and a face mask appears over his face and he grabs a dual blade scythe

his clothing changes into a battle cloak and a face mask appears over his face and he grabs a dual blade scythe

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Turn a draws his rifle

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Turn a draws his rifle

Death/turn a: let's do this

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Death/turn a: let's do this

the screen then zooms out as death charges the sirens and Mobile suits cutting them apart with skill and turn a shooting the ones that get behind death

at the siren base turn x is discussing strategy with arbiter

Several more mobile suits enter the room

Turn x: oh so you have arrived now introduce yourselves

The first one introduces itself with the voice of its pilot ein Dalton

Ein: eb- ax2 Graze ein

Ein: eb- ax2 Graze ein

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