Chapter 6

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(I have HORRIBLE internet rn, so I will edit this story REALLY soon, by that I mean when the internet decided to work properly.)

I woke up (yes, we always wake up first), not wanting to get up. Why did I have to burden Aizawa yesterday... What if he is mad at me? Should I get out and apologise? Will he kick me out for yesterday..? So many thoughts ran through my mind as I was laying there, quietly. Untill I stopped with a, I am probably still tired..

I lay there, bored as fuck. Looking at the blank white walls and a white ceiling didn't make me feel even a tiny bit better. I felt like I was in an insane asylum. Though, I don't think I am insane.. I am just different. 


The decision to stand up came to me at 6:55 am. I was probably already awake for 20 or 30 minutes, but that doesn't matter. I knew I had to do something to stop being a burden,so that all the questions can go away. Of course, suicide is not an option right now. It will be too loud and the roof feels more peaceful... 

Standing in the bathroom, looking at myself. Dang I am ugly.. Have I gained weight? I should probably eat a bit less... And those fighting scars.. well, at least they are more convincing than the cutting ones. 

Since Aizawa and Mic emptied my room from ALL objects containing anything sharp, my room was practically empty, so I needed a plan B. And my plan B was sharp cat stickers (do work 🤫).

As I love to say, CUT CUT SCENE (you can read it tho. No blood and gore, just making tiny scars with a cat sticker ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

I took the sticker out. It was a cute cat.. so sad that it will be used for something so hurtful and unexpected. I grabbed the sticker, holding it tightly in my hand. Then, I placed it on my skin and started making a line with it. The stickers aren't that sharp, so no blood will come out. But no blood is better than deep scars since you still feel pain, but these scars are hard to notice. I went over the same line over and over, until the spot was pink and had a tiny line which hurt a tiny bit to touch. 

END (not THE end)

There, that should do it. One at a time.. so that they will worry less and I get my tools back. 

I slide a warm knitted sweater on and a pair of long brown jeans. It is cold outside during winter after all. Then, it was time to step out of my dorm. It is awful that now I have to live near the teachers' rooms, but do I have a choice? I opened the door quietly, letting out a tiny tiny squeak, but it didn't matter. I, then, went to the bathroom for my medication. 

As soon as I reached out for the bottle, my hand frozen in mid air and I began to tremble.


You can't become a hero without a quirk, I am sorry. 




As I stood, paralyzed, my body started to move on its own, but this time, in a bad way. "I" grabbed the pills and began trying to open them, but the scars on my fingers kept preventing me from opening the lid. After more tries, it finally opened. My mind was screaming for help because this isn't how I wanted things to end. I want a nice roof with a cold breeze moving my hair. I want to feel free, like a bird. I don't want to feel high like an... I don't even have an example for that. 

But I guess it will be it..

IN 3


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