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Y/n's POV

"You look dapper!" River said as she walked into my house with Ava. Their parents were already headed to the school but, since the three of us are walking down the tunnel and into the graduation together, we decided we'd ride to the school together. I was nervous, but a good nervous. The 4 years have really went by fast. I am so excited for what's to come. My best friends and I will be stepping onto our college campus in the fall and beginning our journey towards our careers. It's crazy to think in about 4 years I'll be in medical school and on my way to becoming a Plastics Surgeon like my pops. Don't hate me but, neuro is too much and I'll let my mom, Derek, and Amelia keep that.

Ava, River, and I got into my car and headed to the school. We walked the halls once more, reminiscing over everything that's happened here in the past 4 years. We've taken the same picture every time we've left a school. Elementary, we did the same pose, middle school, same pose, and after we get our diplomas, we'll come back in the halls and take the same picture again. I was actually quite emotional, high school was actually really fun for me. Minus the classes, I made the most out of every moment.

After going through the halls, I told Ava and River I'd meet back up with them before it was time to line up. I made my way to Alex's office, hopefully she's in there. I opened the door and she turned around smiling at me. I looked at her and immediately, I smiled. "This is really it, huh?" I smiled. I could see she was just as emotional as I was. She nodded before smiling. I walked up to her wrapping my arms around her. "The fact that we're being this emotional when we both know we'll be laying in the same bed tonight."

"Don't kill the moment, babe." Alex whispered as her head rested on my shoulder. After a few minutes of us standing there in each others arms, she pulled away and I snaked my arm around her as we stood looking around her office. "To think everything started in here."

"Just imagine, if I was a good kid and wasn't in detention every week of high school."

"I think the universe still would have found a way to bring us together."

"Funny how things happen, you're my person Al."

Alex blushed before leaning up to kiss me. "What time is it?"

She asked as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "5 o'clock." Alex moved away from me locking the door. "I think one last time will do my office justice for what's come from it. Plus, our crying babies are with your parents and we might not have another chance."

"For old times sake." I smirked as I connected our lips and sat her on her desk.

. . .

I fixed myself up and Alex reapplied her make up after fixing her hair and quickly changed. "We have to go!" she said as she grabbed her keys. "I love you." I smiled as she turned to me. "I love you too." we quickly left her office hand in hand. Since she was in heels, I looked around and picked her up bridal style and ran to the gym before putting her down. She pecked my lips quickly before we both entered the gym where all the students were and the staff who were apart of the graduation. I sat with River and Ava so the seniors could take the class picture.

Alex smiled at me as she directed everyone. Watching her work turns me on. Gosh, I'm one lucky motherfucker. "You were gone a while." River smirked. "Shut up." I laughed. Ava and River knew exactly what happened before we came into the gym.

After the picture, we all lined up under the tunnel. Alex smiled at all the seniors, some crying and hugging her, I will say, she's done a damn good job. I don't think I've seen a class respect a principal as much as they have with her. She formed bonds with some of the other students that I think they'll carry for a while. All I know is none of them will be as close as I am with her.

I saw my family and kids in the stands as all the seniors walked to their seats on the field. Ava, River, and I linked arms and I could feel all the emotions piling up inside of me. Ava had to leave us so she could do her speech and when she got up there, River and I smiled to ourselves. I'm like a proud mom. Well, I am a mom now but, I'm referring to Ava and River.

Ava wrapped up her speech after, to sum it all up, telling everyone to chase their dreams and live and breathe doing whatever you want to. Alex was the last speech of the graduation and I watched as she walked up to the podium, thanking Ava as they shared a hug.

"Seniors, I have had the pleasure of coming into this school and having my first graduating class be filled with so many amazing kids. Today's the day you say goodbye to this chapter of your life. Today is the day that your next journey begins. Journey. That's exactly what life is. There is no way anyone's life can ever be fully perfect, you will struggle, you will fall, but don't let that stop you. Everyone here is capable of being great. Plan for tomorrow but, enjoy today, here and now. Live in the moment. Do not live your life with regrets. Take advantage of every opportunity, no matter how dangerous it could be because, you never know, it might end up being the best decision you ever make. Love, love who you want to love. I know many of you feel you have found the love of your life, and if that is true, don't let them go. And if you do, don't hang your head low because it didn't work, keep going because the person that's meant to make you happy, may be closer than you think..."

Of course she was referring to me. She capped off her speech with some famous quotes and telling us how proud she was before the fireworks blew, the music played, and everyone threw their caps into the air. Ava, River, and I did a group hug, Ava shedding some tears. "Bitch we're literally going to the same school and we're going to dinner after this, why are you crying?" I laughed. "I'm just emotional." she said making River and I laugh.

All the families swarmed the field, my parents came to me, embracing me in a tight hug. We shared a moment. We stood there, the three of us. They told me how proud they were and how happy they are that I'm out of high school and on track to become a surgeon. I hugged the rest of my guests as I turned around to look for Alex. She was stopped up by some people wanting pictures with her before she made her way over to us. The twins were asleep with the noise cancelling headphones on so they wouldn't wake up because of all the commotion.

"I'm so proud of you!" Alex said as she wrapped her arms around me. She backed up quickly wiping her tears away. "I'm no longer your student. You know what that means?"

Alex gave me a questioning look before Meredith told us to stand together so she could get a picture. I placed my hand on Alex's waist as she smiled at the camera before I quickly turned her and kissed her. Risky but, what are they going to do now? She holds the power over this school.

Alex kissed me back but smiled in the kiss breaking it. "Gosh, I love you." I smiled as she hugged me once again. I really don't give a fuck if anyone was watching. We took some pictures with the twins and I got one with everyone else and some friends from school before Sophia approached me.

"Hey! Congrats I just wanted to say, thank you for being apart of my high school experience no matter how it ended." Sophia and I hugged. There's no bad feelings there, I honestly think we could really be friends. Alex slid her hand into mine as Sophia walked away. Damn, I GRADUATED Y'ALL!

A/n: So, I'm getting bored lol.. please forgive me for all the stuff that's about to be jammed into the last few chapters, cause I know y'all are really about to hate me. I'm about to time skip A LOT and y'all will want to slap me, anyway, happy reading.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя