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Alex's POV

"So, she's-"
"And she got you pregnant?"
"Yes." I replied to my dad. My mom looked like she was going to pass out and Jeni and Jeri were whispering to each other before staring at me.

"Y/n. I kept trying to think about why that name sounded so familiar. She's the girl. From your office when I came for lunch that day?" Jeni said and then taps Jeri. "The one from the door?! The one you said was your neighbor! How did I miss that!" Jeni exclaimed as she practically leapt out of her seat.

"Wait the neighbor?! Can we go knock on her door and formally meet her because I have a lot of questions that need answers." Jeri smiled and I sighed. "No, because she doesn't actually live next door. That day she came over, we were supposed to have a night alone and I didn't know you all were going to be here so I had to make her leave."

"So why didn't you just introduce us then?"
"Because I didn't want to tell you anything at-"
My mom stood up and all I felt was her hand make contact with my cheek.
"MOM!" Jeni and Jeri yelled as Jeri placed her hand on my red cheek as I looked into my mothers watery eyes.

"What is wrong with you Alexandra?! How could you do this?! First you cheat on your fiancé and then you sleep with some kid and you're expressing to us that you're in a relationship with her?! Who are you?! You had a whole career ahead of you and now you can kiss that goodbye because I'm pretty sure you'll be going to prison and leaving the poor baby alone because you wanted to be stupid! You're a pedophile Alexandra!"

"Pamela!" My dad yelled at her. All I could feel were the tears streaming. "I raised you better than this and right now you disgust me! Michael were leaving, now! And for you two to be okay with this, I-" my mom shakes her head as she goes into my guest room grabbing her items before leaving followed by my dad who gives me an apologetic look but I could tell, even though he didn't say anything, he's upset with me too.

I know. They have a point. This is wrong. I shouldn't be in love with Y/n but I am. I shouldn't be pregnant by Y/n but I am. I shouldn't want her the way that I do. She's all that makes sense to me.

I began to ugly cry and sob as Jeni and Jeri wrapped their arms around me. "Al, we're sorry." They whispered as they held onto me making me cry even harder. Although I appreciate them, there's only one person that could possibly make me feel better and no matter how anyone feels, I just wanted Y/n. I pointed to my phone and Jeri grabbed it for me and she already knew what I wanted.

She nodded before unlocking my phone. They both knew it wasn't anything they could necessarily do other then be here for me that would make me feel better. Yes, I'm hurt from my mom calling me disgusting and a pedophile but, I'm also angry. What the hell has my life come to.

Y/n's POV

"Derek, stop hogging." I said as I reached over Meredith and grabbed the bowl of popcorn out of his hands. "You two, if any of that popcorn ends up on my floor you're cleaning it up." Meredith warned as Derek smiled. I hate his smile sometimes because it makes me smile and forget he's annoying me. Kind of like my dad and Jackson. My dad surrounded me with hot men and I somehow ended up gay. I think the women just turn me on more.

I sat between Meredith and Jo as we waited for a movie to play. "Where's Amelia and Link?" Maggie asks as she appeared from the kitchen. "Probably getting it on." I mumbled making Jo laugh. "You're such a kid." Maggie smiled. "I am a kid."
"A kid with a baby mama."
"Shush Josephine."
"Hey, don't call me that."

Just as I was about to say something back, my phone rang and I smiled seeing Alex's name on my screen.

"Hey ba-"
"Y/n, hi, you don't know me but I'm Alex's sister Jeri and I'm sorry to bother if you're busy but, she's a mess and a lot just happened so it'd be great if you'd pop by."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now