Klaus was once again mesmerized by the girl in white. She smiled at him as she reached the bottom of the stairs and he returned the smile. It took a lot for him to be speechless but he was. He moved to the bottom of the stairs and held his arm out for her.

"Shall we?" He smiled.

"Love to." She winked.


The party was roaring. It was packed inside with humans and vampires, tourists and locals. Adeline had to hand it to Marcel, he really knew how to throw a party.

"Finally!" Marcel smiled walking up the group. "So glad you all could make it— Adeline you look stunning.."

Klaus scowled at the vampire, he didn't even want Marcel within three feet of Adeline let alone standing right in-front of her staring and complementing her.

"Thank you." She replied kindly, she knew they were supposed to be earning his trust. She gave Klaus's arm a tight squeeze signaling that it was okay and to keep his cool.

"Friend." He turned to Klaus. "How about some drinks?"

Klaus didn't want to leave Adelines side, but he knew he had to play the part of Marcels best friend if he had any chance of taking him down.

"Sounds perfect." Klaus smirked, letting go of Adelines arm and looking at Elijah with warning eyes.

"I'll take care of Adeline— we can get ourselves drinks." Elijah smiled.

The two boys walked away and Elijah held his arm out for Adeline, who smiled and wrapped hers in with his. They walked through the crowds off people and to a spot in the corner where they could talk and observe.

"You look beautiful." Elijah smiled as they watched people dance and drink.

"Thank you." Adeline grinned.

"Would you like to dance?" Elijah offered, extending his hand to her. She smiled at him and nodded, putting her hand in his.

They walked out on to the the dance floor and swayed with the music. Adeline was looking all around, watching the different people— but really she was searching for Klaus. But Elijah, he was looking at Adeline.

His feelings were conflicted— she was the source of everything good that had happened to his family. She was changing Klaus, she was giving their family a baby, something they all lost hope of long ago. He loved her and sometimes it seemed like as a sister but sometimes it seemed like it was more. But after learning of her pregnancy and what Klaus told him tonight, he couldn't ever try to find out his true feelings, he had to bury them and he would.

Klaus was standing on the balcony with Marcel, sipping on a drink while they watched the people dance below. He caught a glimpse of Adeline and his attention was immediately locked on her. His fists clenched by his side when he saw Elijahs hand on her waist, dancing with her. Marcels eyes followed Klaus's— seeing what he was staring at.

"Trouble in paradise?" Marcel scoffed.

"No trouble." Klaus answered. "But you'll have to excuse me." He headed down towards his brother and his girl.

"Brother." Klaus interrupted the dance, staring at his sibling. Adeline was happy to see Klaus, she wanted to spend tonight with him but she understood his plan with Marcel.

"Niklaus." Elijah smiled.

"My turn for a dance with my girl I think." Klaus said, holding his hand out for Adeline. She smiled and placed her hand in his. He pulled her tight against his body and they began to dance.

"I missed you." She whispered into his ear as they swayed.

"I know." He smirked, causing her to slap him on the back playfully. "I missed you."

Elijah walked over to the side of the dance floor to converse with Rebekah. She had been keeping an eye out, looking for anything suspicious and so far, so good. Except for now, when she caught an eager looking Thierry headed up to Marcel.

"Elijah." She said, trying to get her brothers attention. He turned giving her his attention. "Looks like Thierry has information for Marcel."

They both watched carefully, focusing on the two vampires so they could pick up on their voices and hear what they were saying.

"Marcel— there's a rumor going around." Thierry said.

"What kind of rumor?" Marcel asked.

"Apparently the witches are talking, they are saying something about a miracle pregnancy." He started.

"So a witch is pregnant— great. What do we care?" Marcel scoffed.

"I don't know if it's a witch but they were saying this baby... it would be the most powerful thing to ever step foot in this city. It could take us all down." Thierry said, his voice was shaking with fear.

Marcel turned and eyed down his friend, slamming his drink on the wood railing in-front of him.

"Is that so?" Marcel huffed with furrowed brows. "I guess we're going to need to find this pregnant girl and take care of the problem before it starts."

"Okay— I'll see if I can dig up some more information." Thierry nodded.

"Yeah, you do that. Let me know." Marcel agreed.

Elijah and Rebekah looked at each other with wide eyes— both of their hearts began to beat rapidly. When they broke there gaze they both stared at Adeline and Klaus, dancing in the middle of the floor— they were happy.

But soon they would know, they were about to be at war.

A/N sorry for the shorter chapter it's just kind of a building block chapter to some big stuff 😝 love you guys!!!

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