Danny meeting keith

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Danny was a gentle loving dinosor. He was green and had hearts on his chest because he loved everything so much. He went to high school at Blue Peepeepoopoo. He loves school so much! Everyone loved and knew him. He was a straight A student and a softy. As much as he loved school it was the same old same old. He prayed for someone to come.
*Bell rings*
"Hey danny!"
He walked down the hallway and went to his math class. As soon as he settles down the door opened. His jaw DROPPED. The most beautiful fox came. He was a light blue with shiny ears. They sparkled like diamonds in the sky. Like a star in the night sky. Like a rinestone in a ring. Like diamonds cracking out of coal. Like glitter. They glistened in the sun and still did in the dim school lights. "Holy chalupas" danny whispered quietly, but not quietly enought because the sly fox replied "Got a problem ma?" he said with a mischevius smirk "No dude, bro, dude? Bro. Yeah bro" His cheeks flushed red. He just embarrassed himself how stupid is he! "Ok. Im keith. Im gonna be the new owner. Of the school" He sound confidently, "and you." he said quietly, but proudly. "Awsome sauce dude bro🔥" danny said. "Oh im danny by the way" he said softly with a small smile. "Well danny, meet me after school. I have a few things to say to you" His smirk coming back. Holy frickin flip flap heck was danny crushing on him. He shouldn't tho. He is already bad news! Already causing trouble yet danny already planned there wedding.

******To be continued******

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