Chapter 58: Shie Hassaikai Raid!

Start from the beginning

"Eri, he can't hurt you anymore because I won't let him. I am Halo and I am going to save you no matter what Eri! So please trust me even though I know that it's hard to open your heart to me since others have failed you!" Izuku said as he hugged her tightly and carried her. Izuku had planned to retreat with Eri since the biggest objective was her safety and the fact that without her the villain group couldn't make more bullets without her blood! As such, he signaled to LeMillion that he was going to retreat with Eri and LeMillion agreed and said he would keep them busy. Izuku turned around and made a hole in the wall to a hallway and started to move but Overhaul wasn't having it as he got around LeMillion and went after Izuku. 'Damnit!' Izuku thought as he dodged Overhaul and landed a kick to the man's side and jumped away. 

As LeMillion charged Overhaul since the man had turned away from him and went after Halo he didn't see a gun pointed in his direction. As such, as he was moving towards Overhaul as Halo kicked the man he heard a bang go off and felt a sudden pain in his side. He looked over and realized Nemoto the villain had woken up. "GOOD JOB NEMOTO!" Overhaul yelled out as he fixed himself up again and created a wall blocking Izuku's escape route forcing Izuku back into the big room again. Izuku gritted his teeth and grabbed Mirio and pulled him away from the other villain that had tried charging him in LeMillion's shock at the loss of his quirk. Izuku wasn't surprised by LeMillion's shock to be honest since Mirio had grown up with the quirk his entire life and now didn't have one since based on Overhaul's reaction the bullet was a permanent one and not a temporary version. 

"What are you going to do now Halo!? You need to protect Eri and the other hero now since he relies so much on his quirk for combat! I'm doubtful he can help in quirkless combat and especially not against me since one touch and he's dead." Overhaul said and Izuku didn't answer as he analyzed the situation. Izuku looked LeMillion over and smacked him out of his shock. "How injured are you?" Izuku asked him since LeMillion had taken some hits from Overhaul spikes in the previous encounters a few minutes ago. million stumbled out of his shock and said he could still move well enough. Izuku nodded his head and told him to take Eri and run towards the other heroes after he blows a hole in the wall for them to escape while he deals with Overhaul and his man but before LeMillion could do that the other heroes arrived as the wall blocking the main exit came down and entered Sir Nighteye, Gran Torino, and a few others. Overhaul looked even more pissed that more heroes showed up. "It's over Overhaul... there are too many heroes for you to deal with now and do you honestly think you can defeat me since I can keep you at a distance while fighting you with my air blasts?" Izuku asked and Overhaul gritted his teeth but before anyone could do anything, Sir NIghteye started to move forward a bit towards Overhaul which triggered him to grab his aid and combine themselves into a new form that was far more powerful. 

Overhaul started to attack and create spikes left and right as Izuku grabbed LeMillon and Eri and dodged them and started to make his way to Gran Torino and Eraserhead. He put them down and told them that LeMillion lost his quirk for good likely and Eri needs to be taken out of there. Gran Torino grabs Eri and told LeMillion to follow behind as Halo and Eraserhead were going to join the fight but a few new followers of Overhaul stopped Eraserhead from joining the fight and kept him pinned with battle. As Halo got close to the fight he was about to join in but Sir Nighteye had other plans it seems as he orders Halo to go protect Eri and LeMillion on their retreat which Iuzku had to follow since he was a Provisional Hero. Izuku gritted his teeth and obeyed even though he thought it was a foolish idea. 

As he left and caught up with Gran Torino who were carrying Eri and moving along with LeMillion they asked why he joined them instead of taking Overhaul out. "Sir Nighteye ordered me to guard you three... I have no choice but to obey since he could try to get my provisional license later on if I disobeyed it since he's the leader of this entire case and I am not a full hero which requires me to obey the orders of full-fledged heroes. I think it's suicidal of him to face Overhaul alone though since Eraserhead got stuck with fighting other villains though...." Izuku said and LeMillion paled a bit as they heard a scream that sounded just like Sir Nighteye. They turned around and in the far distance of the hallway and down into the room they could see Sir Nighteye impaled by Overhaul spikes. "I NO LONGER CARE WHAT HE SAID! DEAL WITH OVERHAUL KID!" Gran Torino yelled and Izuku nodded his head and quickly dashed towards Overhaul at 68% which was his max control right now.

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